My Cell Mate to His Soul Mate

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The title kinda popped into my head, and I wrote a story around it.

I'm not sure were to go with it, but it has potential -in my mind at least- to have good future chapters.

Tell me what you think, if it's terrible or not? Thank you!!




My calves burned with electric heat and begged for me to stop running, but the heavy slaps of approaching foot fall convinced me running was the best, and only, course of action.

My father would die of disappointment if he had to come into the station, where he works as the chief of police, and pick his daughter up from a cell for commiting a crime, at his place of work, with his colleagues.

He'd die of disappointment, come back as a ghost and kill me.

I turned around yet another alleyway, cursing myself for my hatred of supernatural's.

Wondering how I got into this mess; stealing? drugs? Murder? Try interupting a meal time, and I don't mean McDonalds.


(A messily 10 minutes ago!)


Milk, egg, sugar-brown and white, juice. Yep, I had all the things I needed from the supermarket. I cut through an alleyway, the rain which stopped, made the cobbles slick and the air hold static electricity.

A high pitched giggle drifted from within the maze of streets. I navigated my way easily through, but I came up against an unexpected obstacle. Two figures blocked my path in an oblivious embrace. The woman giggled yet again.


Then it happened, I felt the buzz of energy pull me in like a black whole, towards the couple. My heart raised and I gasped under the sudden pressure in my chest. Every instinct in my body, every signal the danger-sensing part of my brain was sending, was telling me to run like hell. Danger- run!


I stumbled back, kicking a trash can. My symptoms subsided, leaving me with the knowledge that he was a vampire.

He moved his head (as he was startled by the noise my stumble had caused) from the woman's neck, his fangs were a wet red with blood. His face was sunken and pale, revealing his monster while he fed. The woman looked at the man, aware he had stopped. She froze, her pale blue eyes widened and she screamed- in frantic continues wails. She was under his spell, but now she could see how evil he was.

And she screamed, rightfully screamed. 


Sirens played in the background, one of the near by tenants must of phoned them. The vampire looked panicked.

You see, vampires have to obey the law too. A quick history lesson is needed...


Death, violence and crime were common occurrences, the earlier humans killed each other for the most basic of things; a shoot-out can start for someone eyeballing their woman or mass-murder for a parking space.

The world was spiraling out of control.

That's when they came out, revealed themselves. The supernaturals. Some say they striked when we were weakest, but others say it was because we would of killed ourselves, and therefore; their food supply, therefore; the supernaturals themselves.

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