Ughh... I slowly open my eyes and grunt as the sunlight beam in my face. What the hell was that? A wet dream.. I heard the door fly open and Haruma rushing to my side of the bed. She still had on my sweater and jogger from last night.
"Jackson are you okay?!!" She exclaim trying to help me up. I sigh exhausted from the dream still. I could hear her groan struggling to lift my body up.
"Wa-water..." I manage to choke the word out.
"Got it!!" She got up on her feet and run out the room. Gosh what the hell was that?! I sit up and notice I got a boner and semi wetting through my PJs.

Just POV:
He quickly snatch his blanket and wrap it around himself just enough before you came back into the room.
"Here. Are you feeling better?" You ask handing him a glass of cold water. You reach out to touch his forehead and study his face.
"I'm fine.." He reply twitching.
"You're sweating a lot. Let me take that blank..."
"NO!!" He exclaim holding on to it like his life depends on it. Well that's sorta the case right now. "I mean no I... Er.. Hmm.." He release a squeal like moan and immediately bite down his lips.
"Jackson..." You call moving closer to him.
"I'm fine." He gulp down the glass of water in one go.
"Slow down you might..." He start chocking hysterically before you could even finish your sentence. "Gosh what's wrong with you today?"
"So you didn't tell her?" JB ask sitting across Jackson.
"How could I?!" He exclaim "Something that embarrassing..." He mumbles.
"Dude..." He tries to be serious but burst out laughing.
"Hyung it's not funny!! What do I do?" Jackson whine.
"When was the incident?"
"A week or so ago."
"And you guys have not talk about sex?"
"Of course not!! What if she's not ready?"
"Well I don't know what to tell you. But if you keep having wet dreams and does nothing to change that then you might end up maturbating.." He look him in the eyes but Jackson avoided it. "No way dude..." JB press his lips together as his nose flare open. He was trying not to laugh after figuring out what his brother was all about.
"There's no other way to release it okay?!!" He exclaim embarrassed.
"W-what about you...?" He look up at JB.
"What about me..?"
"Did you and.. Ever...?"
"Eh tataatata!!" He point out his index fingers and wave it in front of Jackson's face. "My love life is a different story."
"So you haven't..?" He ask staring at him blankly. "You could've just said that instead of being over dramatic about it."
"We're the same man.." He sigh and lean back into the couch. Now it was Jackson's turn to give him the expression he received from him earlier. "Shut up." He replied pissed. "But it isn't such a bad thing. Sex isn't something we need desperately to have a good relationship."
"Yeah okay.. Stop trying to be wise." Jackson wasn't convinced by his words. "Let's help each other out then. What about I hang out with Heemin and see if she's okay with it and you do that with Haruma."
"Mmm... I guess that could be ok but I don't like it.. Why don't we find another way to find out?"
"Why don't we just ask them directly? 'Oh Heemin are you okay with having sex with me 'cause I've been having wet dream late...'"
"Omg stop that.. That doesn't sound like me and stop using my girlfriend's name dang..!"
"If this plan fucked up its your fault." JB glare at him.
"I'll take that as a yes." He grin.
"But know your limit Jackson."
"Pfft yeah yeah.."
JB sigh but went along with him plan. Let the game begin.!!

Happy Birthday to our goofball 👀, sunshine🌞, charming 😍, softhearted 😇, our one and only Jackson Wang (my beloved 👑)!! 👏 Our baby (older than me 😏) has aged another 😲 Let's show him and GOT7 our love❤ and dedication👣👊
#WangDay🎂 #LongLiveTheWang👑#BangtheWang 😂

Okay lemme explain why this chapter's really short and crappy. I had 8 days to think and jog down my ideas but nooo~ I was procrastinating till the last minute and when the time comes, I start writing shit loads of stuff in and they end up not making any sense. So there you have it. Honestly I have no idea what i've written and I wanna take some time to forget about a certain part of this chapter. Imma be on a month vacation (not literally but u know?)
Till next time~~

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