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The blood flowed like it always did. Long, thick pools seeped from the man’s chest and onto the filthy concrete of the alleyway that the fifteen year old boy was standing in.

It was beautiful, he thought, the majestic way that the crimson liquid poured out of such a small space and ran towards him, turning into roses at his feet.

He bent forward and swiped his finger through the rose petals, grabbing a small handful as he went. He grinned childishly and let the blood fall through his fingers. A few drops landed on his brown, lace-up school shoes but he didn’t care. The sight was too precious to him. He swore he could hear the soft ‘drip’ as each red sphere splashed onto the ground.

The man in front of him was huge, intimidating at first but the boy knew how to act around this type of person. The man was kind-hearted and had instantly believed an aegyo-filled lie when he had said that a friend of his was in the alley way - severely hurt and that he couldn’t walk.

Concern had crossed that man’s face as he went in first, letting the younger trail behind almost carelessly. It had been far too late for the man though, by the time that he had turned around and processed what was going on, the boy’s revolver had released two bullet’s into his head.

The boy crouched down and filtered through the man’s jacket pockets until he found what he was looking for. The ID card on it was printed in mandarin and that annoyed the boy, though he instantly recognized the boldly printed letters in English.


“It’s nice to meet you Kris,” The boy had said, offering the body a soft smile. “My name’s Sehun, I’m glad that I met you, Mr Kris, you’ve helped me so much today,” Sehun gently shifted a few locks of blond hair out of the man’s eyes.

“I hope we can meet again Mr Kris,” He called as he walked away happily, as if nothing had happened whatsoever. It was late, around 11:00pm and the streets of Seoul were quiet, one reason why he didn’t leave the house during the day. He detested the noisy crowds and impatient people hurrying off to wherever they needed to be - he much preferred taking his time.

“Oh, and Mr Kris,” The boy said suddenly, rushing back into the alleyway. He scooped up a handful of the blood and flashed the man a pearly grin. “I’ll leave a trail of roses for you - so you can find your way to my house, I’ll meet you there later!” As he walked away, he let a petal fall to the ground every few steps and hummed quietly as he went.

He was slightly cold by the time he arrived back in his apartment, he had forgotten to bring a coat with him and it was middle of winter. The boy’s suspenders hung loosely over his crisp white shirt and were attached to his brown school shorts. His woollen socks and red (which was his favourite) coloured bow-tie was the only other apparel he was wearing.

Sehun giggled as he glanced over his shoulder. He was being followed. With every step he took, a set of small, red footprints would be left behind him in the snow.

“I’m home~” He called as he stepped into his apartment, number 88, and flicked on the light.

“Sehunnie!” It took a few moments to realise that Tao had sprung out from behind the couch and tackled him to the ground in a warm hug before pressing a sweet kiss to his expectant lips. “How’s your day been?”

“Good!” The younger replied happily and held up one of his hands, which was red. “I made a new friend today - His name is Kris,” Tao glanced over into the kitchen where Jongin was cooking a meal for them. “Is Jongin hyung busy?”

“No, it’s okay. Go on in if you want to,” Tao kissed the boy’s cheek before gently patting his back and sending him in the right direction.

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