Pick-Pocket (Juuzou)

Start from the beginning

Got You ^^


The piece of paper was still in your pocket as you walked towards your apartment door. You still felt uneasy from it as you stood there. You prayed your landlord didn't change the lock. You tried to push the thought away as you searched for your keys. Your left pocket was empty. Normally you kept it there, and a sudden panic fell over you as you searched the right pocket. Nothing. Your jeans pockets were also empty. It was late at night, you had no phone and no keys. 

How do I get in?

Climbing through the window was dangerous and could result in immediate eviction. You stood in front of your door as you thought. It was too late for your neighbours to care. You couldn't call anybody. You began to sweat and panic. Rustling was heard in the trees from nocturnal creatures. At least they had a home, you thought. 

"This cat keychain is very nice!" You sharply turned around to see the boy from earlier sitting on the balcony, your keys in his hands. He swung them around his fingers, dangerously close to the edge. You watched fearfully as you expected them to fly off any second and fall to the ground down below. 

"How the hell did you-"

"You're not the only one with skills like that~" He giggled to himself. "I've seen you for the past few days around that area, I guessed you were clumsy until I saw what you found. I thought a good role-reversal would be fun to watch!" He pointed at your keys. "This cat keychain is so cute!" He complimented the keychain again and studied it carefully, stroking its face.

"Give me them back!" You shouted, stretching out your hand to grab the keys. He saw your plan and pulled his arm back, dangling them across the edge. If he dropped them, they'd fall to the ground below from the 5th floor onto the road below. 

"Only if you say 'please'!" You were beginning to become irritated. 

"Give me my keys you fucking freak!" You shouted angrily, not thinking about what you were saying. He froze for a second and his face dropped, but he quickly recovered and smiled again and threw your keys onto the ground next to you. You hesitantly picked them up and stepped back, away from him. He swung his legs as he asked you a question. 

"So, why are you pick-pocketing people?"

"You don't need to know that."

"I don't need to know, but I want to know."

"I don't care what you want to know. Just leave."

"Why would I listen to what you want if you don't listen to what I want?" You tried to ignore him, but you could feel him watching you.

"I'll call the police. Leave."

"With what phone?" He pointed to your empty jacket pockets. "You don't have a phone." He giggled. "And if you did , I would just tell them what you steal!" 

You were tempted to open the door and pray for him to leave, but the way he acted made you think he wouldn't just go like that.

"I only do it because I need money, all right. That's all you need to know. Please leave."

"Okay!~" He jumped onto the balcony floor and stuck his hand out. "My name is Juuzou, what's yours?"

You looked at his hand and questioned whether to shake it. He didn't move from the position he was in until you shook his hand.

"I'm...I'm Y/N." Your first name was the only thing he could know about your name. You took his hand. Juuzou giggled as he firmly shook it, until pulling you in to inches within his face.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, let's meet again someday. Just try not to steal from me again. Bench 4. Bye~!" Juuzou let go of you and began to slide down the banisters of the balcony stairs. You stood in silence. What he said was friendly, but his tone was serious. You didn't understand one of the last things he said, however.

Bench 4? What the hell is that weird kid talking about?

You unlocked the door. 


Another night, another failure. Almost nobody was out. You began to wander the park you were in. Maybe relocating was the right choice. The same people would almost always walk through it, and you needed people who hadn't met you. The path was lined with several chairs, when something Juuzou mentioned clicked in your head.

Just try not to steal from me again. Bench 4.

Bench 4? Of the park? You looked at the rows, and picked the fourth one. You ran to it, expecting something to appear from it. You inspected it all around, front,back, top and finally bottom. You smiled as you saw that stuck on the bottom of the bench was a small envelope that wouldn't be noticed. You tore the envelope off of it and unraveled it. A small letter was written in it, with what looked liked 8,000 yen inside. 

Hello! Here's some money I have to give to you! Use it wisely or there will be consequences, Y/N! Until we meet again, have fun breaking the law~

p.s If you can, can you buy me a cat keychain like yours? 

At the bottom of the letter, was a sketched version of your cat keychain. It was quite detailed. 


Sorry for the lack of activity, but I started school last week and have been busy! I hope you liked this Juuzou OS! T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶d̶r̶a̶f̶t̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶ ̶w̶h̶i̶l̶e̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶f̶i̶n̶i̶s̶h̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶:̶'̶D̶  I put unravel(ed) in there because reference of a certain opening to an anime that has no relation whatsoever to this series of OS' (jkjk).  

If you want, vote for this OS and/or follow me! I'd really appreciate it!


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