Chapter 2: The Mission

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As we reached the Director's office, I slowly opened the door.

"Oh, its the two of you" the director, Alisa Amiella said. "Glad that you came just on time. Agent A-11, it's nice to see you back here, even if you're actually on break. And of course, you too, Agent D-20"

"Well, since you mentioned it, why exactly did you call for us?" I asked.

"I suppose that because you've been out for a while, you may not be informed about the recent missions" Alisa said.

"What are they about?" I asked. "Mitchie?"

"It's actually a syndicate case that the FBI has given us, though I don't really know what it is about. I just heard it from Senior agents" Mitchie said.

"The FBI gave a case to us? That's quite...unexpected" I said.

"I know right. The FBI can't handle it, and it appears that even our Senior agents can't handle the job. So I need to assign a Junior agent who is more capable and adapted to this mission" Alisa said.

"So, you're sending me back in" I said. "Okay" I sighed. "What is this case about?"

"I assume you know about Connect 3" Alisa said. "And what's going on around them" she added.

"Connect 3's on vacation" Mitchie said.


"Wait, what do they have to do with the case?" I asked, confused.

"They have so much to do with it" Alisa said. "One of our prominent and best spies knew Connect 3 ever since they were young. Their uncle had worked for this agency until unfortunately, he got killed on a mission. Now, it is said that he left a charm to one of the boys. The charm holds the key to a safe, which contains files, evidences, and funds that we need to retrieve before Black Star gets their hands on it" Alisa said.

Black Star, that syndicate. Of course they'd do everything to bring us down. And the fact that there's money involved would make them more eager to get that safe open.

"But, to whom did he leave it?" Mitchie asked.

"And they're on vacation. We have to wait 'til they get back" I said.

"Actually, Connect 3's not on vacation anymore, its just a cover story to hide the real thing...just this morning, it was confirmed that members of Black Star had successfully kidnapped two of them...who are Shane Gray and Jason Gray"

"What?!" Mitchie exclaimed.

"What about Nate Gray? The youngest of the three?" I asked.

"Nathaniel Gray has managed to escape, though he hasn't been found yet. We have our agents searching for him. When we find him, that's when your mission starts. Your mission is to protect him. Further instructions will be given tomorrow. I'll dismiss you for now. Don't forget to report here by morning. That's for the both of you" Alisa said. "Okay, you two may go now"

And we did as told.

As we exited the office, Mitchie and I grew silent.

"I can't believe this is happening" Mitchie said, breaking the silence.

"Neither can I" I said. "I mean just before I came here, I was singing my heart out to Connect 3's songs, thinking how its nice that they'd be normal during their vacation, just like how and where I want to find myself right now...and yet, just now I find myself assigned on a mission with their lives at stake" I said.

"Hey, you might forget. It's not just their life at stake, yours too" she said. I smiled at my friend.

"Mitchie, I've been on the brink of death for countless times. How bad could it get? Besides I've been prepared to die a long long time ago" I said.


"I'm just kidding okay? No need to be all serious Agent D-20"


"Well, I guess I'd go now. Better rest and enjoy the remaining time of my break. Tomorrow might be a long day" I said.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Cait"

"Bye Mitch"

Caitlyn's POV

The day passed by really quick and the next thing I knew was that I'm already standing in front of Alisa the next morning.

"Good to see the two of you back here" she remarked at the sight of Mitchie and I. "Well, yesterday's been quite interesting. Just last night, our agents found Nathaniel Gray"

"Really?" Mitchie said.

"So how was he?" I asked.

"Besides a few cuts and bruises, he's alright. We sent him to a hospital for a medical check-up" she said and gazed at her watch. "By now, he should be getting ready to board the plane"

"To where?" Mitchie asked.


"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed. "Here? New York? I don't understand"

"Yes. He'll be sent here to New York. Just as I said, you're mission starts as we find him. By this afternoon, he'll be arriving at the airport. I want you to be there M.O.D" I winced at the mention of my secret codename. "Agent D-20 will be accompanying you"

"If that's the case, where shall we tþake him?" Mitchie asked.

"Yeah..where will he stay? It would be too dangerous if he's alone" I said.

"Which is why I have decided that he'll be staying with you at your house. That way-"

"What?!" I basically yelled. Alisa shot me a look of warning. "Sorry. I was just...shocked" Oh, of all places...why there?

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