I was tagged

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I  was tagged by my cousin camree or DisneyChannelFangirl to answer some questions i'm just answering the questions she did so here you go .

Question 1: least favorite color?

black. it is just so lifeless and boring.

Question 2: How many phone/ipad cases do you have?

well actually I use Wattpad on my laptop and I don't have any devices so none.

Question 3: favorite movie character?

I don't really have a favorite movie character.

Question 4: fav tv show character?

i'm horrible I still don't have a fav.

Question 5: favorite exotic animal?

Um i would have to say probably a horse or a giraffe.

Question 6: if you had a billion dollars what would you do with it?

i would buy myself a Ipod, pay off my family's house, and then i would sleep in the rest until i found a purpose for it.

Question 7: dogs or cats?

Sorry cat lovers but I dislike cats with a passion, I was a cat person until my mom took away the only cat that loved me and didn't try to attack me every chance it got. so now i like dogs plus when they do hurt you it is an accident and they are just playing.

Question 8: do you have a hamster?

No i don't.

Question 9: water juice soda tea?coffee?

soda i dislike water and i hate pretty much all juice so yeah.

so camree or DisneyChannelFangirl answered more questions but i didn't want to answer more so just deal with what i gave you.

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