Chapter One

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"Three orders for your secret cupcake recipe," Alicia winked at me as she hung a piece of paper with the specifications on the cupboard above me.

"Thanks," I said washing and wiping my hands before I began the next order. I grabbed all the necessary ingredients and began to bake.

"Are you sure about this?" Alicia asked coming towards me in the white kitchen, once I had finished a set of cupcakes.

"About what?" I asked knowing very well what she meant.

"Delph..." She said rolling her eyes at me. Her silky wavy blonde hair made it's way past her shoulders and her blue eyes sparkled with innocence.

"Yes I'm positive, all I have to do is ask Julian about it," I said stubbornly going back to mixing the ingredients.

"Julian will let you no doubt about it," she said fixing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I know, I know, but it will be hard on him, just like it is to me."

"He's basically your third father, I don't think you can slip away from him so quickly," she laughed at her own comment receiving a role of the eyes on my part.

"But he isn't he's our boss," I retorted, thinking of my relationship with him. So maybe we acted like a family, but we weren't and although I loved him to death it was time for me to learn to fly away from my nest. My very small nest might I add.

"Yes, but to you he's your father," she replied poking me.

"Alicia, I don't even know my first one and my second one is long gone," I said tears burning my eyes over the touchy subject.

"I'm sorry," she said comfortingly as she pulled me into a tight hug. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's ok," I said wiping a few stray tears away, I couldn't be this weak when I would leave my home town, New York City. I gave the watch a quick glance mentally noting my time was almost done here, "but your right without him I wouldn't be here."

"I know I am," Alicia smirked at me.

"Oh shut up," I said finishing off my final bake.

"Chad is going to miss you," she said playfully, changing the subject.

"How about you shut your mouth right now." I said slapping her arm at her comment.

"But it's true!" She said winking at me. I glared at her before I made my way out of the kitchen to go see Julian.

"Whatever makes you happy," I said over my shoulder. I made my way to the familiar office. It was the only one in the whole bakery and it was almost as big as the bakery it's self.

"Hey Julian it's Delphine," I called out from behind the brown wooden door. No response. I gave it a knock. Still no response. Julian is always in his office, what up with that? From the other side of the door I heard a clash and a moan. Oh my god did Julian hurt himself? Panicking I opened the door.

"Oh my god." I yelled shielding my eyes.

"Delph, you could have knocked." I heard Julian mumble followed by shuffle of feet.

"I did." I replied, my eyes still covered with my hands. I turned around making my way to the door, "maybe now is not the best time for me to talk to you."

"No, no it's fine. What do you want?" He huffed catching up on his breath. I heard his accomplice mumble something in protest, but she was quickly hushed away.

"Okay. But um put something on please?" I laughed.

"Yes, yes ugh one second." Julian called out to me from his bathroom, yes because he has his own private bathroom. But I guess that's what happens when you own a world famous bakery, which may cause you to wonder how I managed to make my way into it at only twenty, but that's another story.

"Can I look now?" I asked uncertain of what was standing in front of me.

"Yes," he replied mumbling something to the girl. I parted two of my fingers apart so I could get a quick peak to check if it was ok for me to look, and it was. Julian was fully dressed in his suit and his friend was using a dress to cover up her private parts.

"So I came here to ask you something," I began, clearing up my throat.

"Yes, yes, you will get a pay raise soon, don't worry honey." Julian quickly stated.

"That's not what I was going to say."

"Oh," he trailed off raising his bushy brown eyebrows at me. His suit fit him extremely well, in fact he looked model hot. He was tall and lean with dark hair gelled up a little in the front. He was thirty-eight, so not an age I would want to date, plus who would want to date someone you are as close to as a father? Ew, not me.

"I'm quitting." I stated quickly trying to get to the point. I could feel my water ducks filling up, but I was determined to not let any tears slither down. I stared at Julian whose mouth was wide open.

"What, but you can't. You are one of our best bakers!" He stated his voice cracking every so often his eyes all watery. "What do you want? I'll do anything!"

"I don't want anything from you," I said rejecting his offer. "I want a break."

"I'll give you a vacation! One month? Or no maybe two months!" He quickly began to rant.

"Stop, Julian, no. You've been so nice to me...too nice. I don't deserve to be all the way in this place!" I began motioning around the room, "I spent so much of my life here that I just need a break from my second home. I need to move on, maybe I'll come back, but not before a year from now. I don't know how long I'll need it, but I just know I need to go somewhere, even if it means going to New Jersey." I half heartily joked at the end. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I would do my own hearts will. For all I know maybe I'll end up in Alaska, if I could afford it... Which I can't.

"Delphine, are you sure about this?" He asked softly placing his hand on my arm comfortingly. This whole time his accomplice was awkwardly waiting for this whole conversation to end so that she could go back to doing some eye sicking stuff with Julian. Her brown hair was all messy, but that didn't matter because she still looked perfect, like all of Julian's past girlfriends. I sighed wishing I looked that pretty.

"Yes, listen I should probably go I've got a bunch of stuff to do," I said taking some steps back to the door.

"Wait Delph," Julian called back to me. I was already halfway down the hallway. Tears were pouring down my face smearing my mascara. I turned around to face him getting engulfed in one of his hugs, "I love you. And you better keep in touch."

"Of course I would what type of person would I be to not do that." I laughed putting on a smile.


yes a new story! I think I'm going to put off on my other stories for a while with occasional updates! Enjoy it! :)

Special thanks to xXbabybunnyXx for making this awesome cover! :)

Thanks for reading you guys are awesome!

~ NutellaHipster

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