"I did. You might be America's next top model." I chuckled, stepping forward to hug him. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks." Nick looked down at the card, in his hand & shook his head. "Wow. I'm still in shock."

"Well, you are a hottie. At least those girls, from last night, thought so." I smirked & he rolled his eyes. "I guess I better get on that treadmill if I'm gonna keep my super hot boyfriend."

Nick grabbed me around the waist before I could walk away from him, his mouth by my ear. "I'm yours forever. I'm a kept man already." His hands were around me & he tapped my stomach, gently, giving me butterflies since I knew he was referring to the baby inside me.

"Good to know." I giggled as he kissed my neck, then he let go of me. I walked to the treadmill & started it up. I put my earbuds in & got lost in my music as I walked, then ran for a bit. I only stopped to take a selfie of myself, since I was obsessed with social media these days & figured it was a good way to document my pregnancy.

After I finished on the treadmill, I went to work out on one of the weight machines. I was lifting my legs as I hung from the bar & was so into my workout that I didn't notice Nick watching me. I smiled as I let my legs touch the floor. "You amaze me." Nick said in a gush of air as he leaned on a piece of equipment.

I chuckled as I let go of the bar. "I figured as much, but why exactly?"

"You're pregnant & working out."

"Well, I worked out before & I really started to like it & I like the way I feel

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"Well, I worked out before & I really started to like it & I like the way I feel. And I'm sure one day, I'll be too big & uncomfortable to do this, so I'm going to enjoy it for as long as I can."

"Good. I like watching you work out. Are you almost finished?" Nick came a little closer to me.

"I'm done on this equipment."I replied, walking to sit down & Nick sat beside me. 

"Want to grab some dinner on our way home?"

"You don't have to work at the bar tonight?" I wrinkled my forehead, since it was Tuesday & he, sometimes, worked on Tuesdays.

"He hired a new bartender, so I'm probably only going to do two nights a week & he said I could bounce too, if I wanted. Now, that I have these training clients, I might not need to work the bar as much."

"And then if you get signed on as a big time model...." I poked him in the stomach as my eyebrows went up, playfully. He grinned as he leaned to kiss me.

 He grinned as he leaned to kiss me

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Surrender to Love (Sequel to A Fighting Chance- Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now