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A hug is just a hug until you touch him and then ots like you never let go.

Hes sitting right next to you but you still hold his hand just to make sure hes always there.

You write each other sweet notes to remind each other how special you are to one another.

You kiss because you wanna seal your fates.

And then one day he just stops.

He doesnt write the cute little notes you used to send to each other.

He doesnt really kiss you for his own benifit but others he has to keep up his reputation remember?

You were his cover up for all the mistakes he made.with.other girls.

He lets you forget that for a few months tht life wasnt always anger,
And loneliness,
And confusion,

Then you are the again,

Your standing there waiting for him by the bus stop and he never shows up.

You go to a movie and you still wait and he shows up after the movies over with a bouquet of flowers and for a momemt you bad he hurt you.

He does it over and over again,

He controls who you are with eventually and tells you you are his.

He becomes so ppssessive eventually your just his prize,

His show horse.

His show whore.

But you dont walk out because he made you laugh,

He made you see the light in places that never had any,

You saw the good in everyone and you needed that so much.

Bit your not sorry,

You are never gonna be sorry.

You just keep hurting her and hurting her until she waste away.

Not of a broken heary of course but something more tragic,

A broken soul.

So love well,
Love often.

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