The adventure!

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Nakataria's P.O.V.

"so do you wanna ride on my back?" saphirra asked.

"Sure." I said. 

"What about me?" the horse asked. 

"OH, you can ride behind me and eat the poop I drop if you get hungry." Saphirra said.

"Ok!" the horse said and they were off.


Greg (the horse) P.O.V.

"Saphirra, stop pooping!! I'm way too full!!!" I whined.

"OK!" Saphirra said.


Saphirra's P.O.V. 

Wow. Nakataria just killed a monster. Wow.

She was like, slash stab!! Pow pow pow!!! and the she started chanting and it died. then she passed out. me and Bob the horse are on our way back to my cave. at least I think thats his name....


Hi!!!! So how did you like this unnecassary chapter written without kylie knowing by her evil twin Missi~Mixi? MWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So.....heehee!!! this is our little secret!! remember that!!! 

-Missi~Mixi Jones ;-) (Follow me/Read my bookzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!! my user name is @AmbieKat9!!!)

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