"Oh my gosh! Ell, look at those tops. Aren't they cute?" Rydel squeals to her boyfriend, who was back with Rocky and I. 

"Rydel, it's just a top. Nothing more, nothing less. Sorry, but I'm freezing and I am not paying attention. Sorry." He apologizes again. 

"Sorry, there is just so many cute things. I am cold too," Rydel says as a shiver hits her body. 

Another person moves to the right of Rocky, his bare arms turning red from the cold. I notice the flash of sliver on one of the fingers, and I know right away that it's Ross. I wiggling out from underneath Rocky's arm, walking over to Ross. He smiles at me, before he holds his jacket out to me. I take it, before I push one of his arms back into the sleeve. He shakes his head 'no', as he tries to fight me to put it back on. After a few good pushes and tugs, he finally gives up as I fully put the jacket back on him. He sighs as I zip it up to his throat. 

"Emmalee, why are you so difficult?" He asks playfulness.  

I'm a bit caught off guard by the playfulness, before I reply. "I'm not difficult, Ross. I'm fine. I don't need a jacket." 

The freezing February wind hits my body. A shiver shakes through me, but I try my best to hide it. Ross raises an eyebrow at me as if he was saying, "I told you so". I sigh and start to walk back over to Rocky, as someone grabs my hand. The quick bolt of emotions hits my hand. It was Ross. He pulls me back to him, making me stop walking. He wasn't moving either. The family and my Uncle continue walking, as if we weren't stopped. Ross unzips his jacket, quickly removing it. 

"Emmalee, please put this on. You don't need to freeze. We are heading to go get some food, so it won't be long. I will be fine. Just put this on and promise to keep it on, until we get to the restaurant.  Emmalee, please. For me?" Ross asks as he reveals his bare arms to the nipping cold. 

"Fine, but only because you asked nicely. And you're kind of cute when you demand things." I say as I put the warm jacket onto my shoulders and arms. 

"Kind of cute?" Ross asks. "It should be totally cute. I'm a heartthrob, ya know?"

I giggle as Ross places his arm around me, "Yeah, I figured as much." 

I push his arm off as we near the rest of the group. Stormie is shocked to see Ross without his jacket on, but is pleased when she sees it zipped up and on me, keeping my small little body from freezing. My Uncle smiles at me and then Ross, nodding his head. When my Uncle nods his head, he is silently thanking some one for doing something. In this case, Ross giving me his jacket, so the poor kid could possibly freeze to death. Ryland opens the door to the front of the restaurant to let us in. One by one we all pile inside of the warm, heated restaurant. I go to peel off the jacket, but Ross' hand stops me. His hand is on the small of my back, slightly pushing me. He lets me walk in front of him, which brought many glances his way. I knew they were R5ers, but I honestly didn't care. I was too focused on the fact that I have Ross Lynch next to me, his jacket on my body, and his hand in the small of my back. That was the only thing that had mattered to me at this point. I didn't care about the eyes that were judging me, as the band and I walked by. We get to our booth, Ross' hand still in the small of my back. After a few moments, I hear a huff. 

"Ross, who in the hell is this chick? And why is she wearing your jacket?" A voice snaps behind me. 

Ross removes his hand and turns around. I turn around and see a girl in a tan jacket, a black dress underneath it. Her hands are crossed across her chest, her eyes are narrowed at me. They are roaming up and down my body, making me feel uncomfortable. I quickly take off Ross' leather jacket, and I quickly hand it back to Ross. Riker places a hand on my shoulder. He slightly pulls me back towards his body. I let him because I don't want to be in the middle of this drama. 

The Photographer's Daughter {R5/Will Von Bolton Fanfiction} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now