Revenge of the Elite

Start from the beginning

(Karen) "Who are you?"

(Stranger#4) "Don't worry, my name is of no importance."

(someone blasting him away)

(Eva) "Back off my daughter and niece."

(Karen) "Mom, how'd you do that?"

(Eva) "I'll explain later, grab Rex and let's go."

(Lowea) "Our principal? Why?"

(Eva) "Just trust me. Come on we have to buy time till you fathers get here."

(the two of them grabing Rex and heading towards Eva)

(Stranger#2) "It would appear you could use a hand."

(Stranger#4) "Yes, after them."

(Kami and Alpha appearing)

(Alpha) "How'd you beat us here?"

(Kami) "Screw the why, who are you and what do you want with our daughters?"

(Karen) "Dad, what's going on?"

(Kami) "Girls go with Eva and get out of here now."

(Lowea) "What about you two?"

(Alpha) "Don't worry about us."

(Stranger#2) "Fools, you are out of your league."

(Kami) "Are we now? (turning into their warrior forms) come on then, show us whatcha got."

(Stanger#4) "Another time perhapes, for now know that you two will fall before your betters."

(the two of them vanishing)

(Lowea and Karen running up hugging Kami and Alpha)

(Karen) "Dad, What's going on? Who were those two and what are you two?"

(Kami) "Sweetheart, we need to tell you the truth."

(Eva) "I'll go grab Casey and you guys meet us in the gym."

(in the gym)

(Kami) "Okay, girls you're not human."

(Karen) "What?"

(Alpha) "No doupt you two have seen the news reels of the invasion of this town years ago? The creatures that fought off the aliens were us and out parents, along with some of the warriors from our home planet Sirius. Me and Kami are hybrids, your mothers are halflings."

(Lowea) "So what does that make us?"

(Alpha) "We're not sure, no one on Sirius has ever seen anything like you two, your powers are unimaginable and your fighting ability is higher than even the best Sirian warrior."

(Karen) "But Low and I don't know how to fight."

(Alpha) "The battle instinks are natural, you don't need to know, it's in you blood, your genes. And when we said your grandparents went back home, we ment to Sirius, they'll be back in two hours so we should get to Raves, Case, how's Rex?"

(Cassie) "He's fine, a little banged up but he'll heal in few minutes so he's okay."

(Alpha) "Good, come on let's get going."

(at Rave and Karas' house)

(Rave) "Rex are you sure?"

(Rex) "Yes it was them I'm positive."

(Alpha) "Okay do you two wanna fill us in please?"

(Rave) "Before us there was an eliet group on Sirius called the X Wolves, however they grew too wild and dangerous so they were banished to a distant planet never to escape again."

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