Teen Breed

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N: Four years ago we told you of the story on how me, Kami, Eva, an her sister Cassie, became members of the alien race known as Sirians. Me and Kami were hybrids, hybrids are cross between human and Sirian we managed to kill the king of Feria and the army he lead here. However his son Fin was angry and made an alliance with the reptilies of Reptoria and so they began their journey to earth to seek their vengeance. And they arrive in five months.

CHAPTER 14 Graduating Wolvesburg High.

(Kami) "Well my wolf brother today is the day we graduate how do you feel?"

(Alpha) "Like I want my girlfriend with me."

(Kami) "Yep I thought so, we can't be away from them for more than a few milliseconds without going berserk In any case it's our senior year so what's the number one thing we should do?"

(Alpha) "Well I did have an idea but it's not school related."

(Kami) "What is it?"

(Alpha) [pulling a ring out of his pocket] "I'm going to ask her to marry me."

(Kami) "Wow, we spend way to much time together."

(Alpha) "If you're going to propose to Eva too, will you do it with me? It's amazing, I can rush off to a fight without a second hesitation, but when it comes to asking the girl I love to marry me, I get cold feet."

(Kami) "Don't worry brother, I'm not just here to help you in a fight ya know. I'm here for you no matter what. Come on, let's get our wives."

[at school]

(Fb. Player#1) "Guys, we have a problem."

(Alpha) Colten what's wrong dude?"

(Colten) "Come look."

(on the football field)

(Colten) "See, everything's trashed, and we don't have a enough time to clean it our selves, so we were wondering...."

(Alpha) "Dude, chill it's okay, Kami let's give our friends a hand."

(Colten) You guys rock, guys clear out!"

(the other football players moving off the field, Kami and Alpha blaze running and cleaning the field)

(Alpha) "There, so explain to me again why the need to clean the field?"

(Colten) "Because we're helping the coach with football tryouts and we never took care of the field during school so we figured we should, but since you guys did, anything you need we'll help you out."

(Alpha) "Curious you should say that, which one of you can cook?"

(Colten) "I can, what do you need?"

[Alpha smiling with a plan]

(Kami) "Oh no, he's getting an idea, please tell me this isn't gonna hurt in anyway?"

(Alpha) "Of course not. Just trust me."

[in the cafeteria]

(Kami) "Bro this is your best idea yet."

(Alpha) "Even better than my idea for creating a gravity training room?"

(Kami) "Yes, better than that."

(Colten) "Dudes here they come."

(Alpha) "Great thanks Colt, go go go."

(everyone else leaving)

(Cassie) "Okay guys what's so impor.... tant [seeing the two of them in front of a candle dinner] oh my fur, guys.."

(Eva) "When, how, why? What is all this?"

The HybridsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant