Chapter 9 "Day off"

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I was woken up by somebody slightly shaking me and calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at who it was. Justin. "What?" I groaned. "Get up, we're going to the pool," Justin said and left the room. After a while of rolling the in the bed I got myself to get up. I took a shower, put on skinny jeans, white baggy t-shirt, grey hoodie over it, and my grey Converse. I put on some make-up and went to Justins room.

"You take too long to get ready," Justin said, grabbing his things. Ryan and Chaz were also sitting there. Justin took his backpack, Ryan and Chaz did the same and we left, hopping in a black van after.

The van drove us to the, I suppose, building where was the pool. We all walked in. I took off my hoodie as it was pretty warm there and sat on one of the chairs by the pool. "Aren't you going to change?" Justin asked. "Nope, I don't want to swim," I answered. "Why?" "I just don't want to." "Oh I get it, you have those days," Justin trailed off. I gasped, "What?! NO!? Not that," my eyes were wide. "Why then?" Not to mention, Ryan and Chaz were already in the pool, not paying any attention to us. "I'm not comfortable being half-naked around you, I don't have a perfect body and I'm not size 0," I explained. Justin started laughing. "What's so funny?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's ridicilous. None of us is going to judge you, you don't have to be shy of your friends. Plus, you're gorgeous." "Thanks, but no, I'll pass." "Oh c'mon," Justin whined. "Justin, leave it," I chuckled. "I won't leave it until I get you in there." "Don't you understand I don't want to?" "No you do want to, now c'mon," Justin waved his hand. "No, okay? Leave it," I got a bit angry. Justin sighed and jumped right in the pool. I saw all three of them talking in the middle of the pool, once in a while looking at me.

Were they talking about me? Obviously, if they weren't talking about me, then they wouldn't look at me. Maybe they're talking about how fat I am? Or maybe how ugly? Myabe Justin's just pretending to be friendly, actually he doesn't really like me? I don't know why these thoughts came up, but I always feel like that around new people. It's just how I am and I personally hate it. I always think people talk bad about me behind my back, but in-front of me they're like my best friends. I've expierenced it too many times.

Suddenly, they seperated and Ryan screamed my name and waved his hand to come over. I walked to the side of the pool. "What do you want?" "Nothing, I just-" and then everything blacked out. I just felt somebody pushing my back, hitting a bit too hard and everything blacked out, but not for long. I opened my eyes and everything was spinning around me and I couldn't breathe. I was holding my neck not knowing what to do. I was in the pool. I felt smebody's arms wrap around my waist and pull me out. That somebody layed me on the ground. My head was hurting really bad and I still was out of breathe. My life flashed right in-front of my eyes. I didn't understand what was happening.

When I thought I was about to die, I felt like fainting, I got my breathing back. I took big, heavy sighs. After a while, I was able to breathe normally, but my head was still hurting so much. "Which one of you idiots did it?" I spat. "Justin," Ryan and Chaz said in unison. I looked to Justin, who was sitting besides me, worried look on his face. "Are you out of your fucking mind?" I shouted. "Calm down, Sky. I didn't know something like this would happen." "I don't like to repeat myself, but think before you do, jerk." "Sorry, I seriously didn't know." "You have a mouth, you could of asked, gee was that so hard?" "I know, I'm sorry I didn't." "If you hate me so much, could of just let me die, life would be better without you. It seems like you think only after doing something." I said and tried to get up, but as I got up, my head spun and I fell, I closed my eyes knowing I'll land on the floor, but instead I fell into someone's arms. And that someone was Justin, of course. Who else?

"Don't you ever lay a finger on me," I dared and holding my head I went to find an exit. I took my hoodie in the way. When I found the exit, I went for a taxi. I hopped in. "Lady, you can't drive, you're wet, you have to get out." "I'll pay you extra cash and drive me to my hotel." The driver hesitated for a bit and agreed. I told him the hotels name and he drove me back. I gave him the extra money and walked in the hotel. I took the elevator and got to my floor, I walked into mine and Pattie's room.

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