I woke up lying on a dusty and dirty floor in an isolated room. I have nothing beside me, not even my bag and money. I turn back and sob. What happen to me? But just as I was going to shout, I noticed a certain man, standing in front of me. His eyes were so cold and mean that shows an exquisite feature in his face. He is very familiar, but I can’t recall anymore. He has a broad shoulder that signifies as the same age of mine. By his intent looks, I can say that he looks like a rapist or probably a drug addict. My heart beats fast. I was stocked in a locked room with that stranger. My eyes widened. I was struggling on what to say when he offered something to me.

“Uh… What’s that? Where am I? Where are my things? My money? Huh! Where is it? Tell me! Give it back to me!” I shouted. Then, I realized he was the man that I bumped while I was running after a snatcher whom I thought my lover at my first sight.

“Wait! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”He replied.

“You’re acting like you don’t know! Give it back to me. Where are my money and things?! It’s the only thing I have!”

“Swear! I really don’t know! Here, I was just trying to give you this,” he said while giving the food to me. Then, I realized he was the man that I bumped while I was running after a snatcher whom I thought my lover at my first sight.

               He was just trying to reach a pack of food. He explained that he found me fainted along the road. I got mad at first, but when I saw his eyes, a special thing comes out that I could ever imagine.

                              And that started our friendship. I went with him since nothing was left with me. From that day on, he was always beside me. He was my second parent. He treated me as a friend whom he seems known for a very long time. He was so good to me despite of his crooked face yet handsome. Yes, we always get puppy fights which keep our friendship stronger. He did everything just to make me happy. He was the one who works for our daily living. He buys food, things and other basic needs. We were living with each other in the busy cold streets. I could see the malicious eyes of the people who will pass us by. I know that people would say that we are beggars or partners in crime at the young age. But I don’t even bother with that. As long as we lived peacefully, I am safe with him. One thing is certain to me, am I getting closer to him? Am I falling in love with a moron?

               I know that it is wrong. I never thought I'll find someone like him. Well, our journey being together in this miserable place was bloomed. I was lost then I found the light in his eyes. I felt like I was really born to be with him. It’s like seeing home inside him. It’s just that, there are two many billion people in this world. But why him? Why?

               Our relationship gets stronger. Yet, I can’t still express my true feelings for him. I wanted to. But when? Then one day, my heart beats slowly. The hotness of my body is getting hotter. I always got dizzy. I got a lot of head and heartaches. I always got hurt. I can’t anymore help him from working. That’s why, there are times we can’t eat for one day. Still, he is always there for me whenever I got so terribly sick.

“Charity, I have to go somewhere far away. Just stay here and wait for me,” he calmly said.

“Huh? Where are you going? Please don’t leave me here alone. I’m sick!” I protested.

“I have to find a way to let send to the hospital right now,” he replied.

“I’m going with you.”

“No. You stay here and wait for me. Okay? I don’t want you to be outside. It will just get things worse.”


“Shh… Sit and calm. Wait for me for three hours. I’ll be right back as soon as possible.”

               He just left me there. I trusted him to come back right away. But my stage now is getting worse. I don’t know what to do. I regretted. Why did I flee from my parents? Look what have I done. I ruined life somehow. But that’s not the end of it. There’s still hope because I’m with him.

               Time passes by… 5, 6, 7 hours? He still not here! Where is he right now? I trembled and feared. So, I ran as fast as I can refraining for all the pain that I endured. My feet had never touched the ground just to search for him. I started to cry when I don’t even see his own shadow. Where is he?

My heart stopped beating. The eyes… The face… It’s him! At last! I found him lying on the street. His mouth is covered with his blood. I can see his tears. I approached him hurriedly. I noticed him holding a fully loaded plastic. But what bothers me most is his hard breath. He was catching for air. So, I immediately brought him to the nearest hospital.

I was losing hope. I think I was going to die not because of this stupid sick but for his standing now. I can’t do anything miracle just to save him right away. I can see the four doctors helping him from death. And me? Standing outside and just waiting to see his peaceful beautiful eyes smiling at me.  Yes! This thing is the hope - the hope of holding each other and never giving up.

Later, two elegant ladies rushed to the guy’s room. Tears are streaming down their faces. They keep on murmuring like “My son!”, “Eros”, and “Please don’t take him away.” I was so confused. Hence, I asked them about what is their business here. It was then that I realize, the stranger that I love secretly is the son of the richest person in our country. A lightning struck my sleeping soul.  I have so many questions to ask. Why did they leave him like that? Why he became a beggar? Why did he keep his identity? What is his motive?

His mother revealed everything to me. He is Eros Villafuente – a 19 years old guy. He was a brat, stubborn, rebellious, and selfish son before. He gets what he wants. He never follows his parents. He never found love from someone else. That’s why, Mrs. Villafuente and his family decided to set his life free. This is for him to show the reality of life and love. To show him and teach him right course for his life. From that, his mother cried loudly because of the decision she partly decided. She doesn’t know what to do right now. The girl with her was his elder sister. She said I was his love right through. I was the one who made him change into something. But I felt the greatest guilt I have ever felt in my life.

A moment just passed by, my soul rejoices when I knew that he is saved. His mother and sister quickly took care all the things that have been messed up. They already knew our situation. The good thing is that they don’t blame anyone for all of these things instead they change everything and started a new life.

Months after, our life changed. I knew that my parents are deadly missing me. I really don’t want to go back. But my heart says to let go and ask for forgiveness. And for that I keep myself setting up my goals and hold into it.

               I was forgiven but I can still see their hatred in their eyes. I told them my whole experience. I don’t see their sympathy. But I still thank God for everything.

               Now, Eros and I are happy for our relationship. My life totally changed because of him.

               On July 9th, we have our first anniversary. I was so overjoyed. My heart was heavenly glad for I’m with him. He told me that he loves me more than anything else. He kissed me for the first time. It was gentle yet perfect. But he suddenly changed the mood.

“We have to say goodbye, Charity. I’m afraid that I will not be here for you anymore and forever,” he utters.

“What? What are you trying to say? Are you leaving me?”I asked

“Yes! And to tell you frankly I don’t want to be hurt. I want you to live happily with other right guy,” he says.

“No. You have to explain. You don’t have to leave me right away,” I replied.

“Someone is going to killed me. Go now. Leave me. Right NOW!” he shouted as he pushed me away.

I heard a loud gun shot. And all I know was gone and nothing.

               I got into his grave. I have live with him even if I have to be buried alive. I cried too much and I will cry for him forevermore like a dying old dead leaf that will never come back into life. I have to. I have to.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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