"Wow, maybe Bob should ask if he can." Spin laughed. You laughed too.

"But I like hanging out with Adam, why would I want to hang out with Chase more than we have to?" Bob asked.

"Because you have the mental capacity of a nail." You say, putting a hand over your mouth. You were bionic with super strength and you just said mental capacity.

Little did you three know, Perry was watching you the whole time.

~Third Person~

Perry stormed to Donald's office where Douglas, Adam, Chase, and Bree were having a meeting.

"Donald, I think I know why that girl, what's her name, (Y/n), has been missing so many lessons," Perry said.

"Why?" Chase asked.

"Because she's a special one. You all think she has either speed, strength, or mind, right?" Perry asked.

"Yeah," Chase said. "Are you implying she has all of them mixed together?"

"Yeah," Perry said.

"No, that's impossible, only S-1 had all of them," Bree said.

"Perry, it's not possible," Donald said. "End of story." Perry sighed and left.

~2nd Point of View~

The bell rang again and you all rushed to your classes.

"Hey, (Y/n)," you hear Chase say from behind you. "Shouldn't you be going to Adam or Bree?" Chase said. You froze in your steps. You turned around.

"You found out," you whispered before running to the capsule dormitories. Who would have known that your one mistake of a word could have led to Chase - your favorite teacher - figuring it out? You just wanted to be a normal bionic. Not have to worry about any of this crap.

You remembered when Spin found out.

~Flash Back~

"Who'd leave a ninety-pound bag of flour in the hydra-loop?" you muttered to yourself. Mister Davenport had put you on to janitor duties as punishment for missing class. You picked up the bag and took it to the kitchen.

"What the crap, (Y/n)?" Spin asked, making you drop the bag in an instant.

"Nothing, Spin," you replied.

"You were lifting a heavy bag of flour, but you're in Bree's class," Spin said.

"Okay, you caught me, Spin," you said. "I'm going to tell you a secret, but you have to promise to never, ever tell anyone, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," Spin said. You finished carrying the bag and sat at a table across from Spin.

You explained everything.

"And I keep it a secret because... I'm afraid to let people know. I'm afraid to be over-worked a-and that everyone will treat me differently," you concluded.

"Wow," Spin said, "so, you have literally every possible bionic?" You flicked Spin.

"No, I don't. I just have the three branches," you said, hesitant and knowing that you weren't using the technical term.

"And is that so bad?"

"Of course it's bad, Spin! Imagine what Mister Davenport would do if he found out that I - not only - have the three original branches, but I also was pretending to be a part of Krane's army." You put your hand over your mouth. You weren't supposed to mention Krane or the fact you were pretending.

"You... you were pretending?" Spin asked.

You sighed. "I'm really sorry, Spin." Spin nodded.

"I understand and I won't tell anyone. I promise," Spin said. You nodded and finished your duties.


And now there you were, pacing around the dormitories, biting your nails. You thought about what would happen if Donald found out. You'd probably get something much, much worse than janitorial duties.

"(Y/n)!" You hear Spin's voice yell. You still hid anyway. You balled into a corner as for all you knew, that was Bree using her vocal manipulation.

Spin passed through, and you left your corner. You knew you'd have to face them soon, so you thought you might as well go and face Adam, Bree, and Chase.

You left the dorms and shakily walked the four feet you could before someone tackled you.

"Get down!" The same person yelled. You looked at what was going on and to everyone's horror, the exoskeleton was on a rampage. Spin had tackled you, but you pushed him off.

"I have an idea," you say. Adam, Bree, and Chase were probably teaching their classes. You got up and taunted it with your super-speed, then locked it's robotic hands behind it's back.

"Spin! Press the off button." Spin did so, and you let it go.

"Well, well, well," you hear Chase's voice say. You cringed and awaited any punishment you were to be given. "I have a special student."

"Please don't tell anyone," You blurt.

"Why?" Chase asked. "What you have is a gift. How long has Spin known?"

You looked at the ground. "Two months ago," you muttered.

"And you've had them the entire time this place has been open?" Chase asked. You could hear his footsteps get closer to you.

You nodded. Chase's footsteps stopped in front of you. "Look at me," Chase said. You looked up, your eyes meeting with his. "I wish you would have told me sooner. I'm not going to tell Adam, Bree or Mister Davenport because... you are one of the best students at this place. In every subject. Just tell me one thing.

"Why'd you keep it a secret?"


Because, Chase, Author needed conflict.

Hi guys! Welcome to my Chase x Reader. Make yourselves at home. Now, I made this based off of the Bionic Academy. I'm pretty sure it's rare for a bionic to have all of the core three, so, if it's not, then... Pretend it is for the plot, please.

Bye-bye, Kittens!


Smart Guy. (Chase Davenport x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें