Everyone will know

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They went to the Homecoming dance. They decided to walk in separately, since they haven't told anyone about their relationship. Maddy (Gabrielle Elyse) came up to Max.

Maddy: All alone, Max?
Max: Uh yeah, guess I am.
Maddy: Come dance with me.

Max and Maddy danced with each other, and Allison sat near one of the snack tables. Allison couldn't help but be jealous watching her boyfriend dance with another girl. Max noticed Allison was sad. He pulled away from Maddy.

Max: Maddy,I...
Maddy: What's wrong?
Max: I have a girlfriend.

Maddy and everyone around them gasp. Allison heard Max.

Max: That's right, and she's right there. *stared at Allison*

All eyes landed on Allison. Allison walked toward Max, and Max did the same. When they met in the middle, they passionately kissed each other in the middle of the of the dance floor. Maddy got jealous and walked away with the other cheerleaders. Everyone clapped and snapped photos. Mallison pulls away and hugged each other. The crowd continues cheer, and two people came toward them with crowns that were placed on their heads. They walked off together.

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