
"And the rest of your day?" Hannibal asked.

"Nothing really."

"There's never nothing."

Will went over his day in his head. After IAPS, he'd had an awkward encounter with Mason in Biology. Awkward probably wasn't enough to explain it. Mason had tormented him, told him that his Papa would feed him to his pigs if he kept on being a freak. Will wasn't sure how to take that, and just kept his head down and did his work for the rest of the class. Lunch he'd spent with Hannibal in the art room while the older student worked in his sketchbook, but Hannibal already knew about that. Math had been more of the same, at least he had Beverly in that class. English was always a nightmare. Mason's entire gang was in the English class, and since University level English wasn't a huge hit at the high school, that made up a good half of the class. That was a big surprise when Will found out. Mason and his friends tormented just about everyone, though Will was a special favourite. The teacher had given up on trying to stop him. That day had been no exception.

Of course Hannibal knew about Mason, since he loved to torment the both of them, it's why they'd started eating in the art room instead of the cafeteria in the first place. Though he hadn't told Hannibal that had any classes with Mason this semester. He'd never asked, so Will figured he wasn't interested.

"Just the same old things," Will shrugged.

"You look worried."

"I'm not worried. I just have a lot of homework," Will lied.


Hannibal hadn't meant to miss the bell. Usually he was on top of those things but that day he'd been too distracted by his work. Absorbed in it even. He enjoyed the class, and was quite good at the assignments. His goal was to have it finished before the bell went, but apparently that didn't work out the way he'd planned.

Usually Will would leave if Hannibal wasn't there, the idea of having to go anywhere that wasn't straight out the door usually stressed him out. But that day must've been a good day, because 5 minutes after the bell the younger student's skinny arms were wrapped around his neck.

The only reason Hannibal stayed at school during his study period was so that he could speak to Will after class. He knew how much being alone could frighten the younger student, especially with Mason and his gang roaming the school. Besides, the best part of his day was getting to see Will after the long hours of schoolwork.

"I'm not worried. I just have a lot of homework."

"Do you need help?" Hannibal offered.

"No. No, I'm fine... I think I'm going to go home now," Will said.

"I'll walk with you," Hannibal offered, beginning to pack his things into his bag.

"No it's fine, you keep working."

"I insist-"

"No, no, I don't want to interrupt you."

"Will, I-"

"It's fine," Will said as heroes to his feet.

Hannibal stood up beside him, and cupped the younger student's face in his hand and the other on his waist. He leaned in and kissed him briefly before letting him go.

Will walked out without a word. Hannibal knew how hard it was for him, and he tried to be as accommodating as he could. Will had problems with anxiety, and as much as Hannibal tried, he couldn't figure out what was going on in the younger student's head most of the time.

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