pretty dentist

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It was early morning and Taehyung left first for his classes. He always left earlier than Jungkook. He loved eating breakfast at the cafe which was free until 6:40 and Taehyung always got there at 6:30, just in time for delicious free breakfast. The cafe owners already knew Taehyung and his usual order. They especially made his dish extra special because of how pretty Taeyhung is. When Taehyung savored there food and moaned in pleasure at his delicious breakfast, they couldn't help but fall for Taehyung.

One worker in particular, fancies Taehyung. A lot. Ian can't help but tend to Taehyung's every command, whether it being bringing him extra water or bringing him special sauces that were used in the foods but not allowed personally to the customers. Ian loves the faces Taehyung makes when he thanks him for doing something. The only part of the day Ian looks forward to is the mornings where he can admire Taehyung without it being weird. Ian also goes to college with Taehyung but doesn't personally have any classes with him.

"Same as always Taehyung?" Ian asked as Taehyung took his usual seat by the window.

"Please Ian. I'm really hungry today too." Taheyung replied smiling up at Ian and laughing about him being especially hungry today.

"Be right back then."


Taehyung was in math class which he dreaded. The door suddenly opened and in came Jimin.
Yes! Thank you lord! I can finally have some fun, Taehyung thought. He stared at Jimin with surprised eyes because they had the same class together but later smirked thinking about all the mischiefs and fun they'd have in class. He could already imagine.

As Jimin walked in, he noticed Taehyung right away. The sun was shining perfectly on his hair making him sparkle. Jimin had never seen anything so pretty. He also noticed the smirking face Taehyung had on and was staring at him. Jimin looked down and then at the teacher not wanting to stare to long at Taehyung's pretty face.

"Oh, you must be Jimin. Hi I'm Ms. Jun. Please have a seat by ... Taehyung. Taehyung raise your hand!" Ms. Jun smiled at Jimin and pointed towards the pretty boy with his hand up. Taehyung had on a playful happy smile that indicated he was happy to see Jimin.

Jimin sat down and Taehyung whispered to him

" I didn't know we had class together."

"You never really asked but Is Ms. Jun cool and all because-"

"Yeah she's cool, this class is boring though. Let's have us some fun." Taehyung said winking at Jimin.

Taehyung turned to his backpack, took out a piece of paper and wrote
'your fuckin hot, i really love a girl with a nice ass ;)'

He folded the small paper and through it to Hoii, a girl sitting two desks to the right of Taehyung and one desk up.

Hoii felt a paper hit her neck and heard it fall on the floor. She looked around and opened it. Her eyes became wide as she felt exposed and mad. Who had sent this note? She turned back around and caught eyes with Taehyung. She suddenly blushed red and looked down at the note then to him. He smiled then pointed to Yoongi who was a desk in front of him. She was confused at first but then knew what he was trying to say. Yoongi had sent her the note. Hoii got mad and threw the note along with a pencil at Yoongi.

Yoongi rubbed his head at the pain he felt from a pencil being thrown at him. What in the actual fuck? Who threw that? Yoongi met Hoii's eyes and widened his eyes when Hoii flipped him off.

Yoongi made hand gestures as to what was wrong and then became angry when Hoii wouldn't look at him.

Jimin and Taehyung were smiling like idiots at the scene Taehyung had caused.

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