Chapter 24: I Can't Say I'm Inlove

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"No." I said also sitting.

"Why, are you afraid you'll lose?" Jack said in challenging tone.

"No, I'm afraid you'll lose. It's on." I smirked inserting a tocken and he did the same.

We both chose our character and played. It took us around almost 15 minutes just playing. Final score, 10-9. I'm the one that got ten. And I used only 1 character but he changed character each time he lost.

After playing we headed down to the food court. And after that he began dragging me out the mall.

"Wait, I thought we're not going home till 6? It's just 4 dumbass." I groaned before putting on my seat belt on.

"Were you having fun that time?" He smirked.

"So much fun." I smiled. "Until you began dragging me away from food."

"This is why you're so fat." Jack laughed.

"I'm not fat, I'm just chubby." I glared. "Stop saying I'm fat."

"Whatever you say." He said I'm a teasing tone before turning on the car.

"Shut. Up." I just as to crossed my arms.

"Awe, is baby Elsa mad?" He smirked.

"I wanna wipe that effing smirked off your face." I muttered with a glare.

He faked gasp and chuckled. "You didn't have to swear." He said.

"I didn't swear. There's a huge difference between saying effing and the actual word." I said.

"Really?" He smirked. "Alright then. You win this time."

"Uh uh." I said. "Wait, did you say I win?" I raised mg eyebrow a him.

"Yeah." He said. Well that's odd, usually he'd never end an argument until he's the one who'll win.

"What did you eat?" I began poking his shoulder with a raised eyebrow. "Pizza." He just replied with a laugh.

"Seriously is there some kind of an alien that took over your body or something?" I asked curiously.

"No. Why the heck would you say that?" He asked.

"Um. Maybe it's because you aren't grumpy today. And yesterday. And the day before. It's usual and it's honestly freaking me out." I blurted out.

"It's like you're saying I'm not nice." He said.

"Are you not?" I asked.

"Elsa, That. Was. Mean." He said.

"You know I'm mean in so many levels. Don't be surprised." I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't seem mean the first time I met you." He said.

"And you didn't seem grumpy when I first saw you." I said.

"I'm not grumpy." He replied. "Yeah. Just than me." I added.

"I'm also not mean." He said.

"Then explain your bullying profile." I said. "I do not have that." He said.

"Do to. Along with your best friends." I said.

"What? Which best friends?" He asked.

"Ralph. And Sn-"

"Woah woah waoh..... Woah. I'm not best friends with those freaks. I was just hanging out with them because of basketball stuffs. I'd rather hang out with Brady than those losers who have no life but look down on everybody. They're all jerks, all they think about is themselves. Specially Snotlout." Jack ranted.

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