
He held your hand as you both walked through the airport. Faces blurred past you as you focused on your thoughts.

Calum was leaving for six months, there was no way around it. You would not see him in the flesh, you wouldn’t be able to feel his warmth for six months.

Your eyes turned downward as you fought the tears that were threatening to spill over. You did not want to cry, you did not want him to feel guilty for leaving. This was his dream.

‘Y/N? Are you okay?’ Calum’s voice interrupted your thoughts, his eyes grew wide with concern.

‘Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.’ You murmured.

‘Thinking? Well, that’s a first.’ He cheekily replied.

You lightly batted his shoulder and feigned a hurt expression, pushing your bottom lip out.

‘Aww, I’m sorry babe.’ Calum apologised, a playful smirk still plastered over his face.

‘I’m going to miss you, you loser.’ You breathed out. Calum’s face fell and his eyebrows knitted together.

‘You have no idea how much I’m going to miss you, Y/N. I’ll be thinking of you every second I’m away.’ He said, sadness creeping into his quivering voice.

His hand clenched around yours and you dreaded the moment that it would eventually have to pull away.


His hand took hold of yours as you arrived at the altar. His eyes skimming over your dress before landing on your own eyes. He smiled and his eyes crinkled.

‘Do you, Y/N, take Calum Thomas Hood, to be your lawfully wedded husband?’ The minister briskly spoke.

‘I do.’ You tentatively answered, looking up into Calum’s eyes to see that they were still lit up.

‘And do you, Calum Thomas Hood, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?’

‘I do.’ He confidently spoke, joy filling his face.

You grinned at him, relieved that he was still sure on marrying you.

‘I know pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.’ The minister concluded.

You both leaned in and your lips met, his hand was still grasping onto yours.

You pulled away and smiled, you were finally Mrs Hood. You were finally his.


He held you hand as you both looked down at the small white stick placed on your bed.

‘Now, Y/N. Whatever this says, we’ll work with it. Maybe it will show two blue lines, then that means that we’re going to be parents and that will be our dreams come true. But maybe it will show just one blue line. That means that it hasn’t happened this time but that doesn’t mean that it won’t ever happen. We’ve just got to keep trying.’

You nodded and reached out a shaking hand to pick up the pregnancy test. Calum moved closer and rested his head against yours.

You turned it over to reveal to blue lines.

‘Cal…Cal, we’re going to be parents. Cal. It’s finally happening! Oh my god.’

Calum just grinned ecstatically in return, his hand squeezing yours.


He held your hand as you screamed out. Your hospital gown spread tightly over your bump.

‘Y/N, you’re doing brilliantly. You’ve got this far! There not much longer to go. Then, I promise, you won’t feel any more pain. I promise.’ Calum soothed you. You could see that he hated seeing you in this much pain just as much as you hated being in it.

5 Seconds Of Summer One Shots. {Original}Where stories live. Discover now