Here's to the good times

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"BLEEP, BLEEP, BLEEEP!" Was the sound Joseph woke to. For sure he was too anxious to get up. He was slapping the desk simultaneously trying to find the alarm clock button. "God dammit!" Joseph had to get up to actually find the button with his eyes. Yawning and rubbing eyes was the first thing he did. Joseph got up dragging his legs toward the restroom door while he itched his waist. He licked his dry lips and wondered over to the sink. Looking at his reflection with disgust, he turned on the sink and threw a handful of cold water into his face to wake himself up.

"Another day of work" he said sighing the words. Joseph tilted his head to crack his pale neck and undressed to get into the shower. A few minutes later, Joseph was getting dressed, throwing on a pair of dress pants, a white dress shirt, a red tie, and his vest. Looking in the mirror one last time, adjusting his vest and glasses. Joseph made his way out into the hallway, he walked down the narrow pathway. By the time he entered the elevator, he glanced at Sebastian as he busted open his door. Sebastian heard the elevator doors open and ran toward them.

"Hey Jojo, Hold up!" Joseph held the doors from closing, luckily Sebastian made in on time before Josephs hands gave out.

"Morning, Seb" Joseph had his trench coat in one hand and leather gloves on both hands.

"Good morning, Jojo" Sebastian smiled at the rim of his coffee cup.

"Since were both heading to the station, do you want to take the same car. It can cost us some time"

"Alright, that's fine with me.."The elevator doors opened and the two walked out. Sebastian and Joseph were indecisive on who's car they should take.

"We should take my car.." They voiced together and laughed.

"I think we should take my car" Joseph peeked into Sebastians car and saw a lot of trash and left over take out boxes. "Are you kidding me it looks like a rat's house?!" Joseph tried to hold back his laugh and tired not upset Sebastian. He peered into Josephs car and saw no trash but a bunch of boxes. "What about you! You know they have a people that can deal with hoarders, Jojo they can help you.." Sebastian placed his hand on his shoulder and busted out laughing. "I'm sorry I couldn't hold it in, you gotta admit that was pretty funny"

"Your full of shit you know that Seb?" Joseph couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Well, I guess we are going to settle this the hard way.." Sebastian placed his coffee cup on the hood of his car.

Joseph placed his coat in his car on the drivers seat. "Okay, I haven't fought in a...."Joseph was interrupted by Sebastian laughing.

"Whoa Jojo, I meant rock paper scissors, besides I don't want you coming into work with a black eye." Sebastian held his hand out in rock paper scissors position.

"Right, I knew that. On three One..Two..THREE!" the sound of their fists hitting their palms meant that this was serious.

Sebastian landed on scissors and Joseph landed on rock.

"Winner!" Joseph raised his hands in the air, his shirt went up in a little you could see his hip bone lines. "Fuck you, Jojo. Just get in the damn car" Sebastian nudged his chest.


Joseph seated himself in his desk with a window nearby that overlooked the streets, filled with a sea of people with nameless faces. Its such a beautiful day. Joseph continued to work on paperwork. It was stressing to him, Sebastian walked in and Sat down at his desk not giving his partner a glance. A little after, Sebastian turned around.

"Hey Jojo, remember I said that we should save that 'get to know you' session for later?" Sebastian had his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together.

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