Kate takes it as a challenge, narrowing her eyes at me. “But why, Seth? You aren’t hiding something from your girlfriend, are you?” She smirks and I have to hold my temper before I say something stupid. 

“Kate, now,” I hiss. 

Kate rolls her eyes. “Whatever, bye losers!” she hollers as she flips her hair over her shoulder and turns on her heel, walking out of the cafeteria. I sigh and sit back down in my seat. 

What just happened?” Keith whispers, looking at everyone. 

Then my eyes snap to Ryan. “You like my sister?” I snap, anyone but Ryan. Why, Ryan? 

Ryan looks at me with wide eyes and he knows he’s been caught. “It’s not what you think, Seth.” 

My eyes snap to Lacey who now has a tight grip on my hand, she nods her head towards the exit. I stand up and Lacey follows me, us leaving the cafeteria. I needed to leave before I would definitely punch Ryan. 


“I doubt there doing anything, Seth.”

I sigh and turn on the water hose. “What makes you so sure?” I question. Lacey shrugs. “This is Emilee we’re talking about, I think she knows better then to get trapped in with Ryan. She’s a big girl.” 

Okay, sure I doubted my sister after the blow out earlier today but could you blame me? I find out in the worst possible way that my best friend likes my sister, my player of a best friend. It’s not that I don’t trust Ryan, it’s just he uses girls for what he wants and I don’t him hurting my baby sister. Especially knowing Ryan’s past and now many women he’s been with. 

“This is a poor excuse for a car,” I announce as I try to change the subject, I’m done talking about this for the rest of my day. Lacey looks at me unamused. “And that’s why we’re cleaning it.” 

“Oh no, it’s need a lot more then cleaning.” 

“Hey!” Lacey exclaims. “No dashing on my car!” I was about to glare at her when something high power hits me straight in the face; it takes me a moment to realize what just happened. I rub the water off my face and look Lacey who was now laughing at me. Her angelic laugh that I learned to love. With reality sinking in, I quickly bend down and grab the now soapy water filled bucket, Lacey goes wide eyes, dropping the hose in her hand and running to the other side of her car. I laugh and make my way to Lacey, me just chasing her around her car but she suddenly stops and I take my opportunity and pour the cold water on her. She squeals in surprise and turns around, looking at me with her mouth open in shock. I can’t help but laugh at her soaked self. 

Her brown curly hair was now straight and clinging to her body, her clothes clung to her body like her skin, her face filled with soap, and her mouth wide open with shock. She still looked beautiful, looking like a soapy mess or not. 

“Seth!” She yells. I grin like an idiot and walk up to her, taking her lips on mine. 

I’ve enjoyed this new side of Lacey that she’s letting me see, I know it’s still not her real Lacey inside that body of hers as she still has that edge to her but I’m happy she’s letting me see some side of her. A happy and laughing side, she’s amazing and I’m glad she can laugh with me. Even if it means sneaking outside to spend time with her when I’m suppose to be grounded, worth every second. 

“Lacey Hartley!” We suddenly pull back and glance at Lacey’s house where a male’s voice was heard. A male in his maybe mid forties stood on the porch, the front door open, and he was staring at us. The first thing I noticed on the male was his red eyes, he was high. He didn’t look nothing like Lacey with blonde hair and a short and fat build. I eyed him carefully when Lacey walked out of my hold on her and carefully and slowly made her way to him. The male never took his eyes off me when Lacey walked in the house; he glared at me one last time before slamming the front door shut. 

Curiosity got the most of me, who was he? Was he her dad? A friend? A step-dad? Well whoever it was he didn’t seem so pleased with me and it made me question what relationship he had with my girlfriend. Well whatever he was to Lacey, I already hated him. 

With a sigh I turn around and make my way into my house where my Mom was sitting on the stairs, staring at me. “Just in case you magically forgot, you’re grounded Seth. We can make that another week if you want?” I groan. “Mom, I have a date with Lacey this Saturday.” She shrugs, unimpressed. “Should’ve thought that before sneaking out!” She yells as she gets up and walks into the kitchen, I follow. 

“Please Mom!” I whine. 

“Seth please you’re acting a little immature.” 

“I’m always immature, Mom.” 

She laughed. “Could’ve fooled me.”

I roll my eyes. “So am I off the hook?” I ask with a cheeky smile. 

“I swear on my life, Seth if your Dad finds out you were outside he would kill both of us, BUT because I love you, yes Seth you’re off the hook. This time! This one time, don’t get used to this!” She exclaims grabbing her coffee and running off somewhere. I grin and grab myself water out of the fridge in victory of sweet-talking my lovely Mother.  

Surprisingly, I was a lot closer to my Mom then my Dad because my Dad’s a sucker for his little princess, Emilee. I don’t mind being closer to my Mom because I love her and she always helps me with advice or just being a great mother that she is. My Dad is a lot stricter then my Mom, and I think that’s where it comes in place, I would rather be carefree then always have to worry but my Dad being a police officer and all doesn’t know the meaning of carefree. Sure, he is still a great Dad but sometimes he can be cruel I mean any parent can be but my Mom is more gentle handing situations. 

“Seth can we talk?” I close my eyes at the sound of my sister’s voice. “I promise you nothing’s between Ryan and I. I didn’t even know he thought that about me until today. If it makes you feel any better I think he’s a complete douche?” 

I laugh to cut through the awkward tension and turn to look at my sister. “You really didn’t know he likes you?” Emilee shakes her head. “I swear, Seth, it was news to me just as you. And if I did like him, I would tell you, but I don’t. There’s nothing to worry about.” 

“You’re a good kid, Em.” 

Emilee chuckles. “Thanks, Seth.” I smile at Emilee and then she disappears upstairs as well. 

It felt good knowing Emilee doesn’t like Ryan the way he does. Sure, it bothers me he feels that way but who am I to tell someone who they can and can’t like? Whether I like it or not Ryan likes my sister and I’m going to have to get use to it. It’s not something that floats my boat but whatever. I’ll end up talking to Ryan sooner or later about this but in the mean time I need to get the scoop from Lacey. 

I need to know who that guy is. 

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