The Rebellion

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'So, today we our next unit,' said Mrs. Greaten, 'Persuasive speeches,'

The class groaned.

'Must we do persuasive speeches every year!? It's stupid and pointless,' cried Samantha.

'No it's no Samantha! No, be quiet!' shouted Mrs. Greaten.

Mrs Greaten put up the power point on the projector board. She started talking about the structure of a speech.

'So first we have the introduction, which, introduces your topic and supporting arguments,'

'Blah, blah, blah,' whispered Rita to her friend Samantha.

'This is so boring,' Samantha replied.

'I know! Every year we do persuasive speeches. It's doing my head in!' Rita hissed.

'I swear to fucking God, I will kill myself if we have to do them next year,'

'I'm totally with you. Just give a gun an-'

'Rita!! screamed Mrs greaten, her devil-like eyes widening in anger, 'Stop talking or I'll move you! Pay attention!'

'Yes Miss. Sorry Miss,' Rita replied innocently.

Mrs. Greaten went back to the class and the power point.

'"If you keep talking I'll move you"' Rita mocked quietly.

'I know, such a punishment,' Samantha said.

'I fucking hate this teacher. She is such a bitch,' Rita said with a snarl.

'I know right,'

'Hey did you here about Trish, Tammy and Chloe?'

'What about them?'

'Well, I heard that they-'

'Rita Jones!!' Mrs Greaten screeched.

'Yes Miss?' Rita asked innocently.

'Answer the question,'

'Well no, reason being, that, well, I was paying no attention whatsoever, because to be frank, it's a bunch of boring claptrap,' Rita said with a smile.

The whole class laughed at the comment. Mrs Greaten steamed. She picked up her ruler and pointed to Rita.

'How dare you,' she whispered menacingly.

'Hey at least I spoke the truth!'

Rita put up her hands in defence.

'You are a disturbance to this class and yo-'

'Well, I may be a disturbance to you and the class, but if it's all the same to you I believe that the class does not really care about my disturbing them,'

'Don't back-chat me!'

'Well you call it back-chatting. I call it explaining,'

'Go to the office! You can explain yourself to the principal!!' Mrs Greaten shrieked.

'Finally!' Rita said as she stood up from her desk.


'Well going to the office is better than being stuck in this classroom with you,'

There was a small titter of giggling.

'See, the class agrees with me!' Rita smiled.

'Why you little-'

'No need for comment Miss. Thank you for sending me to the office. I am oh so, very, very grateful. Farewell class'--Rita waved-- 'I salute you!'

The whole class cheered, and Rita bowed and backed out of the classroom with a broad smile plastered on her face.

The RebellionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant