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Later that morning, Maka made breakfast for Soul, Tsubaki, and herself, but left Soul to rest so he could get well. Maka left the food for her friends in the microwave and left a note for Soul. As she left her apartment she ran into Tsubaki, who was on her way to their apartment. "Hey Tsubaki, I made breakfast for you and Soul. Just text if you need anything." Maka said. Tsubaki told her, "We'll be fine, don't worry. Maka." "OK, just give me a two hourly status of Soul. Can you do that for me?" Maka asked. "Yes I'll do that."

"I'll do that Maka. See you later this evening." I told Maka as she left to go to school. I went into the apartment where Maka and Soul lived. I went to check on Soul silently so I wouldn't wake up him. He looked extremely pale, the palest I've ever seen him. I grabbed the thermometer and checked his temperature. It beeped and his temp was 101.9. "That is not good." I thought. "Maka, are you here?" Soul asked as he was waking. "No Soul, Maka isn't here. It's me, Tsubaki." I said as he opened his eyes and looked at me. "Hey Tsubaki, Why are you here?" he asked. "Maka wanted to go to school so she asked me to take care of you." "Sorry about having you miss school because of Me." he said "It's OK, I'd do anything to help my friends. By the way Maka made some food." I told him and he leaped out of his bed and into the kitchen. I find it rather funny the way boys, mainly Black Star and Soul, react when food is involved. After we ate, Soul went to watch TV.

Although I enjoyed Tsubaki's company, I still wanted to be alone. So I told her, "If you want to go somewhere else, you can. You don't have to stay with me." "But Soul, you're sick you shouldn't be left alone." she said. "Well, I want you to enjoy the nice day. You could always come back in if you want." I told her. "Fine, but you should rest." she said. "I will, don't worry." I said as she left. "Why couldn't I've just told her my problem? She would've understood. Oh well." I thought as I walked back to the couch. Nobody knew that my soul wasn't stable except for me. I went to get some water when my soul couldn't take the stress anymore and I fell unconscious.

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