Day 1

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Your POV
I wake up with heavy eyes and a throbbing headache. I had slept soundly through the night, but the fatigue of sadness and crying had left me drained. At least I hadn't dreamed. My dreams of late were filled with nothing but fear and pain, the aftermath of the trauma I'd been through.
I don't feel like getting out of bed, but I do anyways, knowing the responsibility that has been laid on my shoulders. Pulling my wrinkled clothes off, I search through the fresh clothes they placed beside my bed. Selecting the smallest white T-shirt and black tight pants, I throw them on, secure my belt, and set off for the training room near the Council's Hall.
Obi Wan stands in the middle of the room, chatting with an exhausted looking Anakin. My heart jumps when I see him. His hair is messy, and there are dark bags beneath his eyes. Despite that, he still manages to look as handsome as ever. Our eyes meet as he acknowledges my entrance, giving me a small, almost unnoticeable smile.
"Y/n," Obi Wan bows respectfully, a grin spread on his kind face. I smiled in spite of myself, he made everything feel peaceful and calm just by looking at me. "Are you ready for your first day of training?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
He smiled at that, a low chuckle rising from his throat. Turning away from us, he walked over to the corner and picked up...gloves?
"One of the most important things in Jedi Training," he placed a pair of gloves in my hand, and one in Anakin's, "is learning offensive and defensive strategy. Not only with a lightsaber, but with other weapons, and even just your body." He turned to me, placing his hand on my shoulder and bending down to meet my eyes.
"The most important thing you'll ever know about combat: trust your instincts. Use your instincts. Let the Force flow through you and guide you, y/n. And you will fight bravely."
After lightly squeezing my shoulder, he backed up and stood against the wall, crossing his arms and scrutinizing both me and Anakin. "Let's see what you two can do."
I looked to Anakin, wondering how to begin, when his foot connects with my stomach, knocking me on my back. I let out a gust of air, and spots appear before my eyes.
"I wasn't ready!" I exclaimed breathily, as I was trying to catch my breath. Anakin grimaced, and Obi Wan appeared very serious.
"Y/n," he warned. "Your attacker will not wait until you are ready. Use your instinct!"
Anakin bent over, offering me his hand. I took it and he pulled me effortlessly onto my feet. I couldn't help but notice the flex of his muscles as he did so. He was wearing a tight shirt, and it showed off the valleys in his torso from his muscled form.
"Again!" Obi Wan shouted. Without thinking, I threw my elbow out, sinking it deep into his gut. He grunted, and grabbed my arm in an attempt to throw me. Dodging his grab, I spin and throw my leg up, my foot catching him hard in the jaw.
"Ah!" He cries out in pain, and looks at me. "Fine. Let's make this hard."
Running at me, he aimed his elbow low. Instinctively I lower my arms to defend my stomach, but he faked me out, throwing his arm over my head and putting me in a headlock position. Struggling to escape his tight grasp, I use his arm as leverage to throw my legs upwards. My left foot nails him in the head, causing him to stumble and drop me on the ground.
"That's enough. Take a break." Obi Wan was looking at me curiously, a small smile playing on his lips. "Good work, y/n. I'll leave you two to practice at your leisure. Tomorrow we'll start focus on the Force."
He left, his robes swishing in the wake of his large commanding strides. Anakin was standing there, sweat running down his cheeks.
"Impressive," he puffed out, as he struggled to catch his breath. "I can tell you're going to keep me in shape."
Laughing, I elbowed him gently in the side. "Less resting. More fighting," I say, looking at him mischievously. His eyes meet mine, and as he searches my eyes, a smirk begins to play on his lips.
Grabbing me suddenly, he threw me down to the ground. I kicked him hard in the ankle, and he fell onto the ground next to me with a loud THUD. Rolling over, I place my hands on his shoulders, attempting to keep him pinned down. My legs straddle his torso.
He looks into my eyes, a sudden glint shining at me that hadn't been there before. Then, he lifted his legs, throwing me off my balance and right into his grasp. With his arms free, he grabbed both sides of my head, and pulled my face into his.
My mind explodes with sparks. His lips are on mine, soft and warm, searching my own. I melt beneath his touch. He slid his tongue past my parted lips, gently exploring mine. It was an odd feeling, a feeling of warmth and desire. I felt as though my heart would explode out of my chest.
And then he flips me over, his weight pinning me down.
"Another important rule of combat: don't get distracted." And with that he started laughing as he stood up. My head was still spinning from the kiss.
What was that?
He was still grinning at me as he bent over, his hand extended to me. Dazed, I grabbed it, still focused on the strain of his muscled arms as he pulled me up one handed.
"What?" He asked sarcastically, looking at my flushed face. "You distracted?"
I grinned at him, refusing to let him see me flustered. "Never."
That night, I collapse into bed, exhausted from training the day away. I had a newfound respect for the work my father had done. It was much harder than it looked.
But although my body wanted to sleep, my mind still raced.
He kissed me.
HE kissed me.
He kissed ME.
I couldn't believe it. If I thought about it, I could still feel those soft lips planted on mine, the warmth of his tongue searching mine.
My heart was pounding all day, not from the physical work of the training, but from the fact that our bodies were constantly making contact. But also, there was the part of me that was begging for another kiss.
Turning over in bed, I sit silently until I lull myself into a dream, with full lips imploring brown eyes filling my vision.
Anakin's POV
I watched y/n walk into her room before I enter mine. The second she disappears from sight, a huge grin spreads across my face.
Holy force. I kissed her.
And an amazing kiss it was, at that. I wanted more than what I had gotten, but I knew she had been in shock. The way she blushed as I flipped her was adorable. The way she did everything was amazing; just watching her focus and concentrate could keep me distracted for hours.
Walking into my room, I throw my shirt off to the side, and change into fresh pants. Laying down in bed, I know I won't be sleeping for a while. Not with what happened. So I sit, in thought, fantasizing about her beautiful lips, and her wonder filled eyes.
It's amazing what comes from the Force.

So I attempted to make this chapter a little longer, I hope you enjoy it!
Love you guys :) thank you for almost 200 reads!!!!
-Holli (Carson)

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