“Not really,” I replied, “Okay, maybe a little.”

Luke walked in with his basketball uniform still on, and ruffled my hair as he sat down beside me. He looked weary but his large blue eyes were filled with excitement.

“I don’t see Mel around much anymore. Are you guys drifting apart or something?” he asked as he pushed a mouthful of pasta into his mouth.

“What? No way. You’re just not home when she comes,” I said, twirling my pasta with my fork.

“Oh really? I’ll stay home more often then,” he mumbled, while chewing on his food.

“Why do you care anyway? She’s my friend, not yours,” I retorted, glaring in his direction.

He shrugged, “Just curious.”

I filled my mouth with water just as Luke continued, “She’s kinda’ cute, y’know?”

I spat out my water and stared at him like he had just grown another head.

“She’s kinda’ what?” I shouted incredulously.

He flushed slightly, before glaring back at me, “Eat your food, and shut up.”

I blinked, trying to process the information.

“How was basketball, honey?” my mother asked Luke.

His face lit up. “Great! I think we have a really good chance this season. Our team is so much better than last year!” he said animatedly.

I swallowed my mouthful and turned to my mother.

“Mommm,” I tugged on her arm lightly, “Can I use my car again? Please?”

She chuckled softly, “Do you think I’ll let you use it after you got so many tickets for speeding, and parking? I don’t even know how you got your license!”

“I promise I’ll be more careful! Just for tomorrow! Brooke or Ash can’t pick me up, and I don’t want to go with Luke. Please? Just for tomorrow? Please please please?” I pleaded.

“You’ll be careful right, honey?” my mom asked softening.

“Yep’. Definitely!” I assured her.

“Alright then. Only tomorrow,” she replied with a smile before turning back to her dinner.

I smiled to myself. I had my parents twisted around my little finger. Glancing up, I saw Luke watching me with a knowing look on his face.

“What?” I tilted my head to the right innocently.

“Nothing,” he shook his head, seeing right through me.

“Ashley thinks you’re attractive,” I told him as I finished the last of my pasta.

He smirked, “All the girls think I’m attractive. Even some guys too.”

“Not Mel,” I said instantly with a smug look.

That wiped his smile off immediately. “What? How do you know?” he asked, genuinely shocked.

I took a look at his expression and cracked up, unable to stop the giggles as he squirmed in his seat uncomfortably, just realising his slip.

“God, Zoe. You are so immature,” he shot at me, before stalking off to his room.

That only made me laugh more, until I finally calmed down ten minutes later.

My parents were washing the dishes, and even my father was helping. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and watched them splash each other with water like they were teenagers.

“Ew, guys. Get a room,” I said, as I took a bite of my apple.

They ignored me, as my father pecked her on the cheek before getting back to the dishes.

I trudged upstairs and laid down on my bed, and checked my phone.

How was cheerleading? Miss u so much babe. See u tomoz,” was from Stephan. I texted back with pretty much the same sentiments.

Next was a missed call from Mel. I called her back and we gossiped, chatted and laughed until I fell asleep with my phone in my hands.

Something hard whacked my head. I jerked awake and found an agitated Luke standing beside me.

“Ouch! What’s your problem?” I said grumpily, “You can put the pillow down now, I’m awake. What do you want?”

“Have you seen my car keys? I can’t find them anywhere,” he said, rubbing his eyes.

I shot him a glare. “You woke me up for that? No, I haven’t seen them anywhere, most likely because I’ve been asleep for the past 8 hours?” I replied before covering my face with a pillow.

I heard him mumble under his breath, probably cursing at me, before moving out of my room. I groaned, realising I had forgotten to take my make-up off from the day before. I crawled out of bed and into the shower.

Soon, I was out of the house looking like I was ready for a photo shoot and I slid into my car happily. I pouted in my car mirror, and started up the engine. I giggled to myself as I pulled out of the driveway. Stepping on the accelerator, I sped down my street in the direction of my school. I turned the radio up high as I sang along to ‘Moves Like Jagger’.

 “Shit,” I murmured as I glanced at the time and realised I was running late. I pressed down on the accelerator harder and was soon driving behind a large truck. I checked my reflection, hoping the wind hadn’t messed up my neat curls, when I heard a loud squeal. I looked up quickly, realizing a minute too late that the truck in front of me had suddenly stopped. I stamped down on my brake but I had been driving too fast and my momentum brought me forward towards the truck. I shut my eyes as I was jolted forward in a violent motion and I heard the sickening crunch of metal along with something in my own body.

The music that was blaring out of my speakers was the last thing I heard, before the world went black.

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