Chapter 20

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Joe walked out of the star labs elevator, arms swinging by his side.

Surely Barry would be awake by now, he thought to himself.

As he strolled away from the lift, something caught his eye. A small pool of red gleamed on the floor.


Never a good sign.

Quickening his pace, the detective meandered down the hallways until he was just outside the cortex.

"Cisco, chuck me that vial."

Was it Joe, or did Caitlin sound a little hysterical.

"Martin, can you get the bed ready?"

For who? Why are they panicking over a bed?

He walked closer to the entrance.

"Where's Diggle and Oliver?"

Wouldn't he like to know. Joe wondered for a second whether the two men mentioned had something to do with the blood. Was it them who was hurt? Or ...

"Guys, Barry's pulse is getting slower!"

If someone walked into S.T.A.R Labs right now, knowing the Flash was in here somewhere, they would of thought it was Joe. The speed he dashed into the cortex with could of surprised any of them - if they had been looking that was.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?" He bellowed.

Everyone froze, save Caitlin, who was still fiddling with wires beside the bed.

"Umm ..." Cisco murmured, eyes darting to everyone in the vicinity.

Joe, however, was fixated on the limp figure cradled in Ronnie's arms.

The body was lifeless, except for the occasional uneven rise and fall of his chest. Dried blood was crusting over his face, his nose was crooked. He had an oxygen mask attached over his mouth and deep purple bruises were beginning to form on the side of his jaw and on one of his arms.

"Barry?" Joe whispered, his voice breaking.

No one dared to even breathe.

Joe flung himself towards his adopted son. Closer now, he could see bruises around his neck and one shoulder seemed to be bigger than the other - evidently swollen.

The sight made him feel sick.

He backed away, giving Ronnie room to head towards the bed. Carefully, with the help of his wife, he placed Barry down gently onto the white sheets. Within seconds, Caitlin was already getting to work on tidying Barry up. For the second time in three days.

Joe looked on with a blank expression.

"Whoever has done this ..." Joe's voice was quiet. Barely audible. But it seemed to slice through the air as clearly as if he was shouting. "is going to pay."

This was not good.

"Joe we'll talk abo-"

"No we won't talk about it later Caitlin!" Snapped Joe.

"Yes we will!"

Everyone turned to stare at the petite blonde who had just shouted the last statement. Several emotions flickered behind her eyes at once, but where eventually replaced with a look of stern determination.

"Right now, we need to focus on Barry. And not evenwe know what happened yet." She took a deep breath. "Joe, it'll have to wait."

And with that, the conversation was finished.

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