Hermiones POV
"Malfoy??????" I turned my head around. Shocked, surprised. After everything he had done, he was still allowed to go to Hogwarts. "Surprise, surprise. " he said in that voice, that always reminded me of velvet. "C'mon Hermione. " Ron said and turned his head away. I followed him, although I was still shocked.
One year. One year, without that voice telling me I was a Mudblood and worthless. One normal year with Ron, Harry and the others. One year. Didn't we deserved it?
Ron took my hand and said: "That filthy snake. Why isn't he in Askaban?" I thought for a second. "Maybe they wanted to allow him to finish his education. " "We'll see. " Ron said with a grumpy face. We headed into the Hogwarts Express and found our seats next to Luna.
"Hello friends." she sang as we sat down.
I was just taking of my jacket, when Ginny opened the door and was followed by Harry.
"Harry!" I screamed, hugging him. I could literally hear Ron raising his eyebrows. Even after all this time he couldn't understand that Harry was my brother. My brother and nothing more or less.
"How are you, Luna?" Ginny asked.
"I'm feeling chocolate."
And even though that made absolutely no sense I could understand her.
For the first time I felt like nothing could go wrong this year.

Dracos POV
Potter. He looked at me like I was a ghost. I knew, my past was not the most honest, but people could change.
I watched him, walking around with his friends. I could not understand it. How could he trust them? How could he be happy with those people around him? Weasly was poor, Granger was Muggleborn, Loony was weird, and Longbottom was not even clever enough to watch for his turtle. And that Weasly-girl always seemed arrogant.
I remembered how carefully I chose my friends. Purebloods, stupid enough to listen to my orders, but intelligent enough to do what I wanted.
I walked toward the Express and thought again. How far brought my friends me and how far did Potters?
Okay, Lovegood was friendly to everyone, even to me and Longbottom was kind of brave. That Weasly girl was smart and Weasly- okay, no comment. And Granger...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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