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Hi! Yesterday the Mid Semester Test has come to an end. I have a feeling that I will get good grades. If I don't, I would probably go crazy because of all my precious time wasted alone in my room studying subjects I'm not even going to use in life.

Btw I forgot to tell you that the update before this one is the last day of Mid Semester Test. And it's March. In my school there's a Mid Semester Test, I don't know about the other schools.

So this is just another drawing I made. I have really been improving my drawing skills lately.

Please comment and vote! :)

Important messege:

So you might think that this is a common thing thing you've been hearing in the end of a chapter from authors ("Please comment and vote"), but please know that they actually mean it. Which means I mean it, so I can know if you're enjoying this or not.

The only people who comments or vote is probably only BlueStrawberry88 and lilchippy (I'm sorry if I spell your username wrong). So please vote or comment if you're enjoying my book.


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