Chapter 2

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AN: I couldn't find Chad's last name, so any of you remember it please tell me, and I'll correct it. Not edited


I would feel sorry for Chad, but I just can't. I don't want him to be hurt, because I care about him. But I'm not sorry that he was dumped - actually he wasn't even dumped, they weren't truly in a relationship. I've tried to protect all of my friends from relationships that weren't good for them, and no one ever listens. And now here Chad is, all down in the dumps, sitting around. What's even worse about the situation is that he won't even try to cheer up. Chad normally is the more rational one who gets out of his feelings easily, and if he doesn't then he'll ignore them, but it seems like this one is taking longer.

He doesn't want to go out, he doesn't want me to sit around with him, and he won't talk about the situation. I don't know how to solve any of this. I want my cheerful best friend back, I'm supposed to be the moody one. His whistles scarf lightened his mood, but now he's back in a funk.

I poked, I prodded, did everything I could to annoy the shit out of him. I want him to be happy, or at least pleasant. Jess, that little fucker. All he does is screw with people's emotions. He knew he didn't fully care for Chad, and he shouldn't have let him believe that he did. Once Chad starts to care past attraction, he fully immerses himself in a person, and he always gets hurt. People need to be careful with his emotions, and nobody understands.

His step-sister brought in chocolate chip cookies. She's really sweet, and she's not as antsy as his stepfather around him. When he's in one of his mood swings it puts everyone's nerves on edge. His mother called me out of the room, to spill the tea.

She sat me down and offered me about a million different things to eat, which I turned down. She loves to feed people, but she's not the best cook. "Sooo, Chad's kind of ..." I sighed hating when people draw out a question.

"He liked someone and they didn't like him, simple as that". The look in his mother's eyes was conflicted, and she hesitated in her movements. I wouldn't give off more information than needed. My face was blank and my posture relaxed. If she was meant to know more, then her son would've told her.

"I thought that you and him were -"

"Nope, and never have been. He's a friend. And that's where it ends." I didn't throw in the fact that I've dated girls my entire life, because she already knows that. Her shoulders dropped and stress furrowed her brows. Don't assume when there's no clear evidence.

"Watch out for him - he's not stable right now".  As if I didn't know.

"I will, as I always have Mrs. Smith". I smiled at her walking away back towards Chad's room.  His mood is putting me in a shitty mood. We're getting out of this house with his overbearing family whether he wants to or not.

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