06. The Babe Game

Start from the beginning

He removes the bottle from his lips with a soft 'pop' and grins down at me. "You jealous?"


He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips quickly, handing the bottle back to Tamara at the same time. I am able to grip the back of his neck for the second that we are joined at the lips, and when he pulls away, I shake my head and pull him back down, sucking his bottom lip between my own.

"You two disgust me." Tamara scoffs, pushing the both of us apart. 

"Just because you don't have someone to kiss freely doesn't mean you gotta be mean to us." I state, pouting at my best friend.

She rolls her eyes and leaves the lounge room, but not before calling us rotten children over her shoulder. Niall snickers and kisses my cheek.

"I'm hungry. Make me food." He demands, holding his hand out for me to take.

I oblige and place my hand in his. He intertwines our fingers and tugs me through the lounge room. Since he is new to my house, he takes a few minutes to find the kitchen, and he also manages to run into a wall and bust his lip on the way.

"It really hurts." He whines, jumping up on the kitchen counter. 

I tilt his chin up slightly to examine the wound. "I'm sorry, where's the cut?" I say sarcastically, even though I can clearly see it on his lower lip.

He frowns and pushes my shoulders away from him. "You're cruel."

"Then you're dating a cruel person." I reply nonchalantly, turning on my heel to open the fridge. I take out some cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and beetroot to make a salad sandwich. There is bread in a bread holder beside the microwave, so I grab a loaf of that as well before placing the ingredients on the kitchen counter beside Niall.

"Looks yum. Get cookin', good lookin'." Niall winks at me, making me blush and avert his eyes.

After making Niall two salad sandwiches and one for myself, we settle down on the couch, our legs crossed as we face each other.

"When do you audition for that new movie?" He asks randomly.

"In about two weeks." I reply, shrugging one shoulder. "They said that I could audition first, and if they liked me they would automatically cast me the part and send all the other people home."

He knows I'm upset about the situation by the way my forehead creases in concern and the frown that has fallen on my lips. "And how do you feel about that?" He asks next.

"I think it's unfair, but when I objected to it, my agent told me that I should just be more grateful and not give up an opportunity like this." I roll my eyes a the memory. "He also said that I have to be careful when people ask me about you in interviews."

"Yeah, my management told me the same." He replies. "They annoy me so much."

"Aw, is Niall getting angry?" I ask in a baby voice, squeezing his cheeks. "Does Niall need his mummy."

He pouts and nods, playing along. "Niall needs his mummy." He says.

I chuckle and, in a sudden jump of courage, I lean forward to peck him on the lips. Normally I would leave the kissing to him because he seems so much more easygoing than me (probably because I'm so guilty and he isn't). He seems to be able to just kiss me whenever he wants, but I shy away and refuse to kiss him.

We're still sort of in the honeymoon phase, considering we've only been seeing each other for almost four weeks. We cuddle, say cheesy stuff and watch stupid chick flicks.

Niall reaches forward to push a strand of hair behind my ear. I guess it fell out of my bun. 

"You're very pretty, you know?" He says suddenly. "Beautiful."

I blush and look down at my lap. A thread has come loose on my sweater and I start picking at it with my stubby fingers. 

"Thank you." I whisper, still not looking up at him. My cheeks are already on fire and I feel like I could come down with a fever any minute now. Niall does this to me. Always has, always will.

"It's not a problem, love." He says loudly, almost shouting, and I have to block my ears from the ear piercing noise.

"Calm down, Niall." I say through chuckles. "I'm right here."

"Sorry, babe."

I stop chuckling to look at him seriously. "Say that again."


"No, not that. The other thing."

He looks confused for a second, but then he realizes what I am talking about. "Babe."



"One more time please."

He grips my waist and pulls me towards him. I yelp and giggle, gripping his shoulders to hold me up. His lips are so close to mine, practically ghosting over mine, and I giggle some more. His blue eyes are looking directly into mine and a smile is evident on his face.

"Babe." He says once more before crashing his lips on mine.

The Lying Game ▹ Niall Horan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now