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¨Please sir! I can't live there. My parents only teach me the Dark Arts!¨ A blond haired girl asks a man with long black hair, ¨It isn't my decision to make girl.¨

¨It is, however mine. You shall be allowed entrance into Hogwarts. However, if you watch someone for me we may have a compromise.¨

¨Anything, sir, just please let me in.¨ Her eyes stare into those of Albus Dumbledore.

¨You will, of course, have to wear contacts to hide the color of your eyes. I would like you to watch Harry Potter.¨

¨Who's Harry Potter?¨ she asks.

¨Your new Best Friend. Oh, and Ms. Riddle, your last name will have to change to Riddles.¨

¨Of course, sir¨ she grabs the professor's arm and is apparated to a street called Privet Drive. Dumbledore leaves her with a roll of parchment about the boy and she sits down and starts to read. First she pulls out a book of normal French names, ¨Emily Riddle, what can you do to fix that?¨ she stares at the page she flipped to, ¨Emily, e m i l i e, beautiful, Emilie Riddles can conquer death in a heartbeat, if she had a normal one.¨

She rolls the parchment into her bag and walks toward number four privet drive. Slipping the green contacts in she stares at the house. A few seconds later she hears yelling and screaming. A boy and a trunk dash out and run away. She follows running far enough behind to be sure he doesn't spot her, he trips annd pulls out his wand, sticking it out. Emilie slows down and keeps a calm face, BANG! She stumboles over as a large purple bus pulls into view as the boy climbs on she gets her footing on the back of the bus and finds places to hold on. BANG! The bus starts back up again and she wishes that she hadn't had all of her gold transfered to a Greingotts bankin Diagon Alley. Emilie barely manages to stay on for the three trips it takes to get to Diagin Alley.

As the bus stops Emilie clambers off and clutches her stomach, no time to waste she follows Harry and A Mr. Fudge into the cauldron. ¨What can I get for you Miss?¨ a man asks me, ¨Oh, just some pumpkin juice please.¨

¨Shure thing American Girl!¨ and he walks off.

¨How exciting!¨ she thinks to herself, ¨I wonder if it will be this exciting at school!

She was wrong. It would be a much more exciting year than she thought.

Emilie Riddles and the escaped convict(Harry Potter FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora