Team Selection

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*Always Open*

The rules of the games will be explained once you select the team. Put the name of the nation you pledge allegiance to in the comment section. This page will be open for a while to give people a chance to select. Once you do, you will be tagged under your team in the next chapter.

Note: The "action points" are what you get, for example, when your team answers a question correctly. More will be explained once the games begin.

There will be a team leader appointed to each team. That team leader should create a thread in the clubs that says Team (name of nation), for example. There, you can discuss  a plan of action and let your team leader post the answer on the chapter. 

The taking of points, as some nations can do, is something that should be discussed before allowing the team leader to decide.  At the end of the day, the team leader has to make the final decision. If you feel the team leader is doing a bad job, you can vote to axe them game-of-thrones-style. Hopefully, things don't get to that point. ;)


Fell is a land full of loosely connected clans. Their constant warring and bickering means they must wait for every other nation to reply before they get their chance to make a move. But their viciousness earns them 5 points per action.   


  Illera, the richest nation in Elmora, is a land full of bright greens, fat livestock, fresh waters, and soaring palaces. They command the largest standing army in the freeworld. Their superiority allows them a first turn in any game. And they start with a bonus of 10 points.


 Thol is a barren, snowy waste-land. Hard men there are in those parts. They cannot lose points, but can only gain a maximum of 1 point per action and cannot receive points.


       Blackwell is a mercantile nation that boasts a might navy. They are stingy with trade and impose stiff tariffs along the Falden Sea. Each turn, they are allowed to take 1 point from any nation except Thol and gain 2 points for every action. 


  Shu, being close trading allies with Illera are very generous with their trade. They can choose to give 1 point to any nation, except Thol. If allied with Illera, they earn 4 points for every action.


Redyll is a farming community. Their descendants were said to have migrated from Old Fell. Folks speak of the magic they possess. Some say it's just rumor...They can temporarily recruit a maximum of two members from any team per game. They can steal 5 points once per game. They can gain 5 free points once per game. They start with 5 points.


Move to the next chapter to view the teams and your leaders. If a leader isn't present when a game begins, the leadership automatically falls to the next available. 

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