Chapter 2

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I felt a hand shake my shoulder and I instantly snapped back into reality. 

"Huh?" I looked at my friends.

"What do you mean 'huh'? You were staring after Reece with a confused and longing look." Courtney said slightly pissed. 

"Was I? Well that's weird." I tried brushing the subject away, but no it wasn't happening.

"Spill. What's going on inside that head of yours?" Courtney put her hands on her on her hips and glared at me.

"The look in his eyes. He seemed sad and alone." I whispered looking at the floor.

"What are you talking about? He's always with his group of guys." Courtney looked confused.

I shook my head. "You don't understand. He looked like no one understood him, but he wanted someone to so badly." They looked at each other than back to me.

"We may not understand what you're talking about, but we believe you." Lila smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks." And with that we walked to class. The one class I had with both Lila and Courtney. Oh and Reece.

"Okay class, today we're going to do a project. You will have a partner." The class smiled and looked to the people they wanted as their partner. "Don't get too excited. I've chosen your partner."

You could hear 'awes' throughout the classroom. After the class got quiet again, she started reading off the pairs. Lila and Courtney got paired. I started to wonder who I got when my name was called. 

"Crystal you will be with Reece." My head shot up and I looked over to him. I saw Courtney and Lila look at me from the corner of my eye. Reece got up and sat at the empty desk beside me.The teacher went over everything we were supposed to do. Apparently we had to research a specific topic that happened in history. Reece and I got the American Revolution. 

"You're Crystal aren't you?" I was shocked, not only had Reece Jackson spoke to me, he knew my name.

"Yes, but how'd you know that?" I knew my eyes were wide and my face was a light shade of red. 

"You are my partner after all. However, I've had my eye on you for a while now." I could tell he was trying to hide a smile.

I didn't know what to say. The school bad boy, Reece Jackson, had been watching me? I mean I was one of the outcasts, a social loner basically. At that moment our teacher walked over and asked if we had decided how we were going to do our project. My mind snapped back to reality and I looked at Reece. 

"We'll do a powerpoint. Is that alright with you Crystal?" I felt my face heat up at the mention of my name.

"Um.... That's fine with me." I replied shyly. 

I saw the left corner of his lips curve upward, but just as I saw it, it was gone.

"Well let's get started. How about I research the different battles and you research about the lifestyle of the soldiers?" Reece offered.

"Sure. I can also research how different the lifestyles are from today." I smiled up at him.

"Whatever you want." His mood and tone changed suddenly. It was like as soon as I saw a glimpse of someone other than the school bad boy, he went back to what everyone knew and expected of him. To me, it felt like he was afraid of letting anyone near him. So he became someone everyone feared. 

Class ended and I was still in my own little world until I felt Lila run up and slap my back. 

"So you and the bad boy. How'd that go?" Lila asked curious. 

"It was alright. He seemed different though." Honestly I was puzzled by it.

"Different? Different how?" Lila had one eyebrow raised and the other down.

"I'm not sure yet. I only saw it for a moment." I got lost in thought once again. Gee, maybe I should move into my head.

Was what I saw real? Could Reece really have a side other than the school bad boy? His eyes looked as if they so desperately wanted someone to break the walls inside. Is it possible? Could I break the walls? What would I find if I did?

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