Chapter 1: Setting out

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"Soooo, you'll do it?"

"Sure Greg :)," you type then close your lap top.

You stare out your window at the pouring rain and sigh. You had just agreed to do a collab with popular Youtuber, Onision. Why weren't you super excited? Greg can be kind of a... well let's just say he speaks his mind A LOT. Your channel had been loosing veiws lately and your content had been getting a little bit stale so you needed this... for the fans.

You get up and start filling a suitcase with things you'd be needing while staying at Greg's. Once you finished you walked over to your lap top sitting on your bed and opened it back up. You started looking for the next flight to Washington. You booked a flight then put your lap top in its case and set out for the airport.

Hey guys :) so this was just an introduction to get the story set. Sorry if short isn't your thing. Imma be doin the next chapted rn so hold up. Thanks for reading ~Pucca

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