Flashing Memories

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Memories keep flashing through my mind,

Happy times, sad times, good times and bad times.

Memories of you and me, you and me together,

Never afraid of the world, together we were strong.

You and me, hand in hand we walked the path of life,

Sometimes skipping, sometimes stumbling.

You and me, crying and laughing,

Teasing each other and having each others back.

I should've known it could be over at any time,

That we couldn't always be together.

You went too early, I wasn't ready for it,

My world crumbled down and it left me in pieces.

Now, I have to do it alone,

Get through life without you next to me.

I'll do it for you,

I'll get through it thinking of you.

Memories keep flashing through my mind,

They keep me standing.

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