Angela Joie answered, “It’s the Christmas celebration of Holy Mary Academies from December 16 – 18. My nanny accompanied me on the flight but Daddy Marcus will follow on Friday. Then Lolo Juan and Lola Antonia will be meeting my nanny and me at the school today.” 

Joanna wanted confirmation, “So you came all the way from the airport?” 

Her daughter confirmed it, “Yes, Mommy.” 

“We should better call them.” Joanna called her mother. “Mommy, my daughter is here with me. She left her nanny at the airport. She came here alone aboard a taxi. The nanny and the teachers might be panicking, call them for me.” 

Mommy Antonio was surprised, “Am I really hearing this?” 

Joanna replied, “Yes, Mommy. Call Marcus too.” 

Mommy Antonio agreed, “I will, hija.” 

Angela Joie asked, “Is that Lola? Can I talk to her, Mommy?” 

Mommy Antonia heard everything Angela Joie had just said. She was crying from so much happiness. 

Joanna gave the mobile phone to her daughter. “Mommy, she wants to talk to you.” 

The little girl spoke, “Lola, I’m here.” 

Mommy Antonio replied, “That’s nice, baby. I told you, your Mommy wants to see you too. But what you did is wrong. What if the driver didn’t bring you there? ” 

Angela Joie responded, “The driver is very kind, Lola. I was giving him my piggy bank but he didn’t accept it. He said it was his Christmas gift for me.” 

Mommy Antonio instructed her granddaughter, “Okay. Give the phone now to your Mommy. I wanted to speak to her.” 

Angela Joie gave Joanna the phone. Joanna cued her mother, “Yes, Mommy.” 

Mommy Antonia said, “She needs to be at the HMA for the celebration.” 

“Tell Mother Superior, we’ll be there tomorrow, Mommy. The celebration will start tomorrow. They would just be busy with the housing of visitors. I want to spend time alone with her first. By the way, trace the driver who had brought her here. He needed to be thanked ad paid properly. Our guard here could be asked with some information.” Joanna had her pre-school, elementary and secondary education at   Holy Mary Academy – Palmaine City. 

Mommy Antonia acknowledged it, “I will, hija.” 

Joanna looked at her daughter attentively. Her daughter smiled at her. She smiled back. 

Joanna told her daughter, “Your Lola Antonia is right. You should have not gone here all by yourself.” 

“I’m sorry.” Angela Joie hugged her. “I just wanted to see you.” 

She hugged her daughter too. She then let her daughter face her once more afterwards. “I wanted to see you too but…” 

Angela Joie finished for her, “Lolo and Lola told me that you were sick when you had me that was why you gave me to Daddy Lester and Mommy Roselle. But why didn’t you visit me?” 

Joanna told her daughter, “I wanted to but I promised your Daddy Lester and Mommy Roselle that I would not. Legally, they were your parents because I gave you up for adoption. I don’t have so much right to see you.” 

Her daughter uttered, “I see.” 

Joanna confessed to her daughter, “I wanted to send you birthday gifts and Christmas gifts but your Daddy Lester and Mommy Roselle might have the idea that I would take you away from them so I didn’t send them. I’ll show them all to you when we’re already in our house. I also bought so many toys for you. I had collected them all for you.” 

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