"I've never let anyone in"

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Ariana POV__

'So I see that you're not dead, interesting... I see tell Justin Manny says hi for me please Ariana, I miss you:)'

I frowned at the text and my heart heated faster and I felt wrong, was this person expecting me to be dead? Why is he texting me? How does Justin know him? My head began to spin with questions as I was so confused.

"Justin?" I asked

"Yeah?" He frowned with a worried expression on his face.

"Who's Manny?" I asked a bit worried he spat his drink out and anger filled his eyes.

"Why?" He said through gritted teeth and gripped his glass hard I thought it was on the verge of smashing.

"He texted me and said hi" I said and gulped looking back at the text and Justin rubbed his face and grabbed my hands looking me into my eyes with nothing but a serious expression.

"Ariana, too fight him we need to remember you, please Ariana come back, theres nothing like us Ariana, come back for me."

"Justin I will try my best but it so hard." I let out a sob "I am so confused when I look at you I feel all tingly and warm inside. I feel safe when I am with you. I feel like no one else is there and it is just me and you. I don't understand these feelings because I don't know you" I said sighing in fustration.

"Ariana." He said rubbing his face "Justin and Ariana, Ariana and Justin" He said making sense out of what he was eyeing but I was still confused.  "It sounds so perfect" He sighed 

"I-I don't remember!" I burst "I can't remember" I sobbed. "I want to but I don't I am so afraid."

"Ariana, let yourself fall don't be afraid I am always here." I sniffed and nodded "Okay?" I looked him in the eye and nodded. "Good" He nodded his eyes they changed to a black to a light chocolate brown, I gasped.

"Y-your eyes" I said he looked down and coughed awkwardly avoiding my gaze.

"I have to go" he stood up and left the table causing me to frown.

"But Justin!" I stood up to run after him but he'd already left.

This is so frustration why does he run away from of our problems instead of facing them. I feel like I don't even know him. I wish I could make sense of the shit going on in my head. Why is he always running off when I mention something like that? Is it a touchy subject? Does he not like talking about it?

I was walking home in frustration mumbling words to myself and kicking the stones in anger because, he left me like he always does! With no answers no car and leaving me very confused! I hate this side of him I am so confused I don't see why he runs away from me instead of facing up to things.

"Hey Ariana!" I seen a boy run up to me with brown hair I smiled lightly as I recognised his face.

"Hey your Ryan right?" he grinned and nodded but then frowned and sighed as he must've remembered I can't remember. "I'm sorry that I don't rememeber you, I just rememeber me going to a Justin Bieber concert that's all I rememeber and then I meet Justin he says we're married and have two kids and his eyes change colour I tell him and he runs away! Like he could of said like they do it all the time but no!" I say then finally take a breath. 

"Wow" he laughed "I have met you before I know everything about you" Ryan said I laughed

"My biggest secret then" I raised an eyebrow at him and crossing my arms as I was waiting to prove him wrong.

"I know that your dad abused you" I went wide eyed how did he- why- who told him!

"Who told you?!" I shouted embarresseed

"You did Ariana" he said "I know you a lot Ariana, we had ups and downs but you are my mate also. I love you" I looked at him in the eyes he leaned in to kiss me! I suddenly stopped realising what was happening

"I-I have to go" I stuttered and ran to Abby's.

"Ariana!" He shouted after me but I carried on running to Abby's house.

I finally got to Abby's and ran in the room and after locking the door I slid down the white bedroom door sobbing. Nothing seems real! I was the girl no one knew the one who got bulllied abused raped everything then all of a sudden Justin comes says all this crazy things to me making my heart and my brain confused I don't know what happened why can't I remember anything! I used to hate Justin Bieber how can I love or like him. But why do I feel funny when he talks to me?

"Ariana open up" I heard a voice say and it was Abby I sighed and let out another sob "Tell me whats wrong, I can help" she said trying to calm me down from the other side of the door with her words.

"I don't know what to believe! Nothing seems real! First Justin says we're married with two kids but how would i forget my marriage and children? Then Ryan tries to kiss me and tells me he loves me. I got a text of someone I don't even know and Justin freaked out! It's all too much I don't even know if you're messing with me! I don't know who to trust" I said calming down slightly.

"There are things going on now that you won't understand, it will be confusing you've lost a lot of your memory Ariana it won't come back easily. But you have to trust us because we want to help you" She said and I sniffed.

"I guess so" I mumbled.

"Come down and get to know Chaz" She said

"I can't. Evertime I ask people they always start to cry saying they miss me." I said "It's all too confusing"

"Come on" I waited a few seconds then sighed and opened the door with her hugging me quickly "Come see Chaz" I nodded and walked down. 

"Ariana?" Chaz asked I looked up at him "Do you like Ryan or Justin?" I frowned.

"What sort of like?"

"Love" he said more angry

"Uh I don't know" i said feeling embarrassed telling him how I felt. 

"Answer" He screamed and pushed me against the wall his eyes changed changed colour my breathing became uneven and I'm scared of him. I began to panic.

"You're just like them, please don't hurt me." I cried letting the tears call he let go and my body hit the carpet floor

"I'm so sorry Ariana" he touched me and I flinched "I have no idea why I did that" he pulled his hand through his hair I gulped as I could feel my heart. I tried to move but I'm terrified of them there not human "Ariana please don't be scared of me" he said

"I-I dont know w-what t-to say" I stuttered with a racing heartbeat.

"Ariana I'm so sorry" He touched me and I looked at him hoping he won't hurt me but he was blurring due to tears filling my eyes.

"Pl-please d-don't hurt m-me" I stuttered again.

"I'll never hurt you Ari" Wow his mood swings change quick and Ari, I felt like I remember getting called the nickname but I ignored it.

"Ari?" I asked

"I used to call you it" he said looking down at his feet

"Oh" was all I said

"You don't rememeber me at all?" he asked and I shook my head as a no "Ariana please come back I know you in there" he begged "Please remember me please?"

"I-I'm scared to rememeber" I confessed

"What?" He said confused.

"What if I remember my past and I don't like my life I'm scared to know what it's like" I said

"But you've missed everything the drama the wedding the kids the birth of Abby and our kids"

"Say I don't want to rememeber it!" i shouted "I've been told I was shot so my life couldnt have been amazing if I was shot"

"We were having trouble with everything you we're loved by everyone the beliebers me Justin Ryan Abby and so many more"

"The last person who said I love you was my mom and she's dead! I've never let anyone in but Abby! And I'm not starting today and I'm not loved so don't say that!" I ran out of the house ignoring everyone.

Let Yourself Fall (Justin Bieber FanFiction) Book 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt