J: Alright then.

The waiter came, and we ordered. He later brought out food.

(An Hour Later)
Jay and I were laughing and talking like we used to. It was like we had never broken up. We had forgotten about everything that was going on in our lives, and it was just us. But let's be clear, we are just friends.

A little while later we were done eating.

J: Looks like we're done. Guess it's time to go home.

B: You ready to go home already?

J: Yeah I guess. You wanna go somewhere else?

B: Let's go catch a movie.

J: We should really go home. Natasha might get upset.

B: What's the harm? We're just friends.

J: Well in that case. Let's go.

Jay paid, and we left the restaurant. We went to see The Perfect Match.

(About 2 Hours Later)
Now it's about 11:00. The movie was good. We're exiting the theater and approaching the car.

B: That was really fun Jay.

J: Yeah I had a great time tonight.

B: Well then let's not let it end.

J: What are you talking about?

B: Let's go to the club.

J: Bey we shouldn't. Natasha's already gonna kill me for going to a movie with you.

B: Oh come on. This is innocent.

J: It's like 11 Bey. Shouldn't we get back home to Z?

B: She's 16. She doesn't want us around all the time. We used to stay out until morning.

J: Yeah like 10 or 15 years ago.

B: So.

J: We were young back then.

B: We're young now. We're just in our early thirties. Come on. Let's go. It'll be fun.

J: Okay.

B: Yay!

We got in the car and drove to a club. As soon as we got out, the paparazzi swarmed us. Jay wrapped his arms around me and covered me.

When we got in, I went straight to the bar. I'm ready to get drunk. I haven't been out in such a long time.

J: Bey don't get drunk because I'm not carrying you.

B: Yes you will. How about you have a couple of drinks with me?

J: I'm driving.

B: A couple won't hurt.

J: Haven't you seen that commercial Beyoncé? Buzzed driving is drunk driving.

B: When did you become a buzzkill?

J: When we had a baby.

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