Percy Jackson

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Percy's P.O.V

As soon as I walked into Goode High everyone started to whisper and point at me. At Goode I was considered a loner, a freak. I walked up to my only friends. Fin and Amy, they were dating. As I walked by I heard people whispering :

'Look isn't that Percy Jackson'.

'He disappeared for a year'.

'I wonder where he went'.

And things like that. Anyway I walked up to Fin and Amy,

'Hey guys, did you miss me'

Amy then screeched:


Fin just said, 'Good to see you '.

Then they gave me a huge bear hug.


Time Skip


We were in Greek class, since the gods had revealed themselves everyone had to take it, when the school bully Jack said,

'Hey Prissy'.

'What do you want'

'Don't talk to me like that, I'm a son of Poseidon everyone bow down to me'!

Everyone bowed down to him even the teacher. Everyone accept me, I just started laughing.

'Why aren't you bowing down to me, I can make my Dad drown you', I'm his favourite son!

By now I was rolling around on the floor laughing.

'You a son of Poseidon, Ha, can you breath underwater or talk to horses or make hurricanes or make waves'!?

'Of course I can', he said uncertainty.

I stood up suddenly serious, the whole class was staring at me.

'Let me reintroduce myself, my name is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon-

I was cut off as everyone started whispering;

'No your not'.

'HIM a son of Poseidon '.

'Prove it'.

'SILENCE MORTALS '! I screamed. 

Everyone immediately fell silent they had never heard Percy talk with so much authority.

I then summoned a huge wave of water and stood in the middle of it. A sea green aura surrounded me and when it left I was wearing full Greek battle armour with a trident imprinted on my chest. I was holding Riptide.

'I'm not finished, my name is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, god of the sea, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms and horses, one of the big three. I retrieved Zeus' master bolt, fought Ares and won when I was 12, killed the fury Alecto, retrieved the Golden Fleece, rescued Lady Artemis from the Titan Atlas,held the sky, wandered Dealdalus' labyrinth, defeated the Titans Kronos, Hyperion and Iapetus, killed the Minotaur twice, defeated Circe, one of the seven, ex-praetor of Camp Jupiter, defeated Medusa, defeated the Giants Polybotes, Otis, Ephilates and others, defeated Gaia, defeated a whole load of other monsters and survivor of T-T-Tartarus.

All of the mortals stared at me in awe.

'Bye mortals'.

'By the way I'm Poseidon's favourite son not some regular mortal'!

They never saw me again.

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