'Dad I-'

'How did Amber find out about you?' He asked.

'At the end of the first class she gave me some stuff and it was clear that she knew who I was, I never told her anything, I never told her my real name yet she knew that I was connected to KITT and the Foundation.'

'What did she give you?' He asked calmly.

'A photo and a document.' She replied.

'What was on the document?' Ashlyn didn't answer, what was she supposed to say? That her martial arts teacher gave her a readable copy of her birth certificate! Oh yeah, he would so love to hear that, not! He'd probably cause an accident! So what was she supposed to tell him? 'Ashlyn....'

'Don't call me that!' She snapped. 'My name is Ashley Victoria Knight and I would appreciate it if you would use it!'

Michael looked at her shocked; how did she know her middle name? He didn't even know what it was. Is it her real middle name or did she just make it up?

'How did you know that?' He asked confused.

'Because it was on my birth certificate!' She growled. Michael jerked back in his seat as he put his foot on the brake and drove of the road.

'How did you find your birth certificate?'

'I can't tell you.'

'Why not?' Silence. She just stared at the space ahead of them, refusing to look at the man beside her as he glared at her. 'Answer me.' Nothing. 'Tell me why!' He raised his voice dangerously.

'Why should I?!  It's none of your business!'

'Of course it's my business!  You're my daughter!'

'Oh since when has that mattered?!  You don't care that I'm your daughter until it suits you!'

'What do you mean?!  I do care about you!  I love y-'  She cut him off.

'No you don't!  If you loved me you would actually hang out with me!  Even when I was with you at the mansion you never spent any time with me!  You were always too busy doing your work and going off with KITT!'

'Don't bring KITT into this!'  Michael snapped.  They both knew that KITT wasn't involved.

'I'm not!  You blame me for Amber finding me, but guess what?!  It's your fault!  You and Devon and that stupid board!  If you hadn't sent me away I would have been fine!  Amber would never have met me, I wouldn't be living with some weird foster family again and Mathew and Hailey wouldn't be in danger!'

'This is NOT my fault I tried-'

'SHUT UP!'  She screamed, tears in her eyes. 'I hate the board, I HATE the Foundation and I HATE YOU!' She opened KITT's door and ran. By now it was night and the only light was from the street lamps and it wasn't hard for her to disappear.

Michael stared out into the night, shocked. What just happened?

Meanwhile on the Semi Amber and Bonnie were trying to get KARR to open his hood so they could start working on trying to remove or at least slow down the virus as well as finding out how he got it.

'Please KARR, I only want to help.'

KARR weighed his options before clicking open his hood for them, "I know, mother. I also know that you'd like to take a closer look at my core processor..." He shivered slightly.

Aside from the obvious dirt and damage of parts loosened and roughly melded to other wrong sections, his engine showed signs of rust, mold and other caked-on substances amongst some dried up seaweed and such. His Alpha Circuits main circuit location was covered in soot and Ash, and a rather rough deep gash through it which had to have been made from a person.

The Knight is Still YoungWhere stories live. Discover now