Chapter 16

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Two weeks later and the plans for Ashley's birthday party were going well, things were coming together just as Michael had hoped they would. Of course the others were doing more than he was for it and lately he'd been spending less and less time with Ashley. He felt guilty and although she would never admit it he could see it was starting to affect her, he hoped he caught the Chameleon soon as he knew a lot of people would feel a lot safer once he did. Which was why he was happy when he found the Chameleon (Yay) trying to steal the upgraded version of the original Lone Eagle that he had tried to steal last time he had got out of prison (not so yay).

This one however had several upgrades that made it even more deadly; it could stay in the air for twenty minutes (almost four times as long as the previous model), it had been made bulletproof, it could now carry and fire five small nuclear missiles that were the length of a fully grown mans arm and it contained a parachute in case it failed during flight. "The Falcon" was also significantly more manuverable and faster.

Luckily KITT had been able to track him to the where house and Michael swiftly got out and went looking for him. He was thankful that The Falcon was being stored in a where house and that there were no other people that are might get hurt. He pulled his pistol out of his leather jacket and crept silently around the boxes until he saw Baxter trying to take the Falcon out of its crate. Michael fired a shot that bounced off the concrete right next to Baxter's right foot, Baxter jumped and looked at Michael with hatred burning in his eyes.

'Knight.' He growled.

'Baxter.' Michael replied. 'You know this seems very familiar, the two of us in an otherwise abandoned where house with you trying to steal a weapon that once sold to the highest bidder could easily start world war 3.'

'That's right, but this time I won't be going to jail and you will die.' He replied firing his own gun. Before taking the crate and running. Michael shot at him several times and missed, ducking as he returned fire. Michael chased the criminal through the building until they were near one of the closed roller doors, he knew he had to catch him before he escaped again. The two of them weaved their way through the towering piles of crates, the bangs of the shots echoed through the building as they avoided the bullets that were whizzing past them. 'I'll be sure to tell your little girl how you died like the coward you are!'

'KITT I need you to use your sound synthesiser and start making the sound of police sirens.' Michael said quietly into his comlink, trying to ignore what the Chameleon was saying and shot at him. He jumped as a bullet hit the ground just inches from his feet before firing back at him. He watched as the other man flinched when sirens filled the air.

'I won't go back Knight!' He screamed.

'You will!' Michael replied then he aimed the gun and shot him in the leg. Baxter let out a howl and clutched his leg as Michael jumped and tackled him to the floor. Baxter tried to fight, but it was useless he wasn't really putting much strength into his struggling. In fact it almost seems like he was just pretending. 'KITT?'

'The police are here Michael.' He replied. Michael sighed satisfied that he had once again managed to catch himself a Chameleon.

'And you will never speak to my daughter.' He growled as he stared down at the man lying in front of him.

Then the police picked Baxter up off the floor and brought him to their cars before forcing him into one. After the he watched them drive away Michael got into KITT and drove back onto the road.

'Well done Michael.' KITT praised his partner.

'Thanks, but something doesn't feel right.' Michael replied.

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