Squinty Eyes

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

"Bushy Brows!"
"Squinty Eyes!" He fired back at me. We were fighting about our flaws, even though I knew it wasn't a big deal. His tense eyes began to meet within my own eyes.
"Alright chill... You started it anyways." I gave a exhausted look back at him.
"Isabelle you're so loud..." Justin pointed out, and I have to say I kinda agreed with that. Our friends looked at the two of us, probably chuckling from our backs.
"You guys never get along do you?" Cherry casually says all the time. She knew me well though, since we've been friends since we were born. Me and Derrick looked at each other nonchalant and blinking our eyes. I was thinking that it was impossible to get along with that doofus.

Cherry brushed her hazel brown hair aside from covering her face, from behind I could see Ryan drooling all over her. Wonder how I know? Ryan likes Cherry and has told me alot about it, but he doesn't know that she liked him back. It's adorable to see Ryan cover his face with his dark black hair and Cherry looking away with her hazel green eyes. I knew who everyone liked since they came to me.

Except for Justin.

Not that I'm nosy nor I care but, he never tells anyone, not a single one. I have alot of assumptions already though. For instance, Ashleigh who has nice curly brown hair and beautiful chocolate eyes. Plus, she's a smart person like Justin over here so they're like partners. And...many more..


"Hmmm, I still think he likes you." Nette claims her opinion confidently... I don't want to break her spirit but Justin doesn't like me. I can only think of him as someone... anything less than a friend. Because first of all, we're not friends. We both already argued that we weren't friends but more as an enemy.
"Bruh, It's not happening. Period." I grabbed my lunch tray and walked slowly to the counter.
"Isabellllee. I see that he likes you. Like it's destiny. I see the way he looks into your eyes man."

She goes off into her romance fantasies again. She's a shipper after all, yet she can't do anything about her romance life either. She chases after this guy, they both chase each other like first grade love.

"C'mon, he probably likes your squinty eyes. That's why he called you that." Nette squealed.

My eyes really? They're not pretty as Cherry's beautiful green hazel eyes. They're dark chocolate brown, and not only that but I have messy black raven hair. They're pretty short for a girl like myself.
We both sat at the lunch table with Cherry in front of us.
"Isabelle, Justin isn't that bad." Cherry tried to convince me, but I won't budge.
"He isn't bad?! Really!?" I waved my arms. "He makes fun of me alll the time!"

I yelped as I felt a striking poke on my waist, looking behind it was Justin.
"That's right squinty eyes." He interrupted our conversation and smirked. Cherry and Nette were cracking upon us. I pushed him off the table seats, despite what he just did.
"See guys! This is called sexual harassment!!" I warned them but they shrugged.
"Ooooh Get Rekt!" He snorted at me.
"I'm calling Louise. To make you go away." I said coldly.

Justin climbed back at the table, and clinged next to me.
"If you do that, I'll kiss you." He threatened as he almost leaned in and kissed me. Before that could happen, I pushed his face away, feeling embarrassed than ever.
"Wh-ha- What the fudge are you doing!?" I flustered, struggling to keep him away from me.
"Oh my- Did Justin really just-" Cherry spoke but was cut off by Nett.

"Hey you two, I was just kidding!" Justin exclaimed to Cherry and Nette. What kind of sick joke is that...
"Okay... I'm just going to forget that happened." I took a huge breathe and scooped the mashed potato. Again, do I have to explain that I just don't like anyone.

Plus, isn't it too early for love? We're only in like 7th grade...

There I see Justin go to the other lunch table, with different people. With Ashleigh. I knew he would like her, so that's not my problem.
His eyes smiled as he talked to her, unlike how he arches his eyebrows around me. Ashleigh seems to be cool around him, not getting into a fight with him like I would.

What were they talking about though.


I took out a book, the titan's curse which was one of the Percy Jackson series. We were in LA class, with Nette, Ryan, and Justin. The class was getting rowdy again, throwing paper balls at each other. That's why all teachers thought our class was the worst.
"What are you reading?" Justin came to my desk, even if we didn't sit near each other.
I smiled, "The titan's curse." It would be nice to get along with him for once.
"You're such a nerd." He crossed his arms, and chuckled. Just for one time I wanted to get along he ruined it.
"You have better GPA than me." I admit to him. "That kinda makes you a nerd."
"So? That makes me so cool!"
"Nerds Can't be cool..."

The LA teacher finally told Justin to leave me alone and go back to his seat. I looked out the window, there seems to be alot of clouds. In deep thought, I was thinking about my feelings. Just can't seem to find any love in me. I don't want to get shattered again.

After school, I left my friends in the classroom and headed to the halls. I grabbed my backpack from my locker and sighed.
"Smile squinty eyes!" Justin stood behind me, our lockers were next to each other. A part of me wanted to avoid him, he makes me over think too much.
He seems to be everywhere I go, which was irritating.
Justin then asked, "Can I show you something?" Despite the look he has behind his broken glasses, he was serious. It made me say, "Sure, but why?"

"C'mon.. it's a surprise." He smiled along with his eyes, for the first time around me. Was he that excited...
He grabbed my wrist by force and pulled me as he led me outside.

Following the sidewalks, my face was smiling, I was feeling adventurous around him. We were passing by autumn colored trees, and we were surrounded with grasses. By the time we walked for about thirty minutes, the signs of the streets and the school was gone. We were at the park that had little children messing around.

It started to get windy, as I felt my short hair flowing in my face. I felt myself shivering, but I tend to hide it from Justin.
I coughed, "Wh-y are we h-here anyways?"
Justin still hasn't let go of my arm, instead he held it tighter.
"Hold on... We're almost there." He said as he pulled me over to the long extanded grass field. Then there was the hill, not so high but that's where he led me. Up and up we went, and once we got there... I found it the most beautiful view someone has ever taken me.

There was a lake below, and the trees were growing on the steep sides of the hill. Not only that, but there was an old shackle at the left side of the lake, covered by vines and trees.
"Do you like it?" He asked me with gleaming eyes.
I blinked in awe. "This is amazing.." my thoughts came out of my mouth.
"Justin... Did you ever show it to anyone?"
"Nope, you're the only one so far." He replied as he laid his butt on the ground. I would've thought he was clingy, even though he isn't.. but he's just something. Why me?

Justin huffed and breathed, "I guess this is something we could get along with."
"Yeah." I agreed.
"For now on, you should meet me here after school. We could do homework together if you want?" He suggested in a tone of excitement. What I find the most strange is the way he's treating me. Is this... thump thump thump... I could hear my heart banging in beats, creating my face to redden.
"Yeah... that's fine." I stuttered, wanting to cover my face.

"I'm still going to call you squinty eyes. But keep this place as a secret. Between you and me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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