He set his alarm for one-thirty, so he had time to get up and get decent before picking the kids up. You were on set almost all day today for a short series that BBC was making. You've wanted a gig for a long time now, but you wanted somewhere close to home and this was the best offer you got. 

Ever since marrying Ben, offers for you have been blowing in from left and right, but you've turned them all down because you didn't want that kind of big movie job that would keep you away from your family for months on end in the States. 

Although, you are in talks to be the head make-up artist on the set of Dr. Strange, but you haven't told Ben that yet. 

By the time his alarm went off, nearly five hours later, he got himself up and lazily changed into an unclean rumpled t-shirt, a pair of torn jeans, and his worn out converse. He looked like a homeless man when he added his black hoodie, but he couldn't care less. 

As he yawned and grabbed his keys, he called, "Watson!" Watson came running into the living room as fast as his little feet would allow and plopped himself in front of Ben. This has been their usual routine for the past few weeks, but Ben reached into the doggy bowl and pulled out a treat. 

Watson jumped and wagged his tail and let out a small bark. Ben chuckled, then commanded, "Sit!" It took a few moments, but Watson figured it out and plopped himself down. Ben gave him the treat and rubbed his head as he cooed, "Good boy! I'll be back in a bit with your favorite girl."

He left and locked the door behind him. He got to the school in just a few minutes and parked in his usual spot, before walking into the school and taking a deep breath when heading to the classroom. He opened the door and saw Emma and Nate with their usual friends. 

[Y/N] and I should really get to know these kid's parents so we can have them over, or have the twins over there, he happily thought. He then did his normal routine and called the kids to get their stuff so they could get the hell out of there. 

As soon as they were about to walk out, Mrs. Reed called, "Oh, Mr. Cumberbatch!" Ben sighed and turned to her. "Your wife e-mailed me and said that you were going to be filling in for the parent-teacher conference?"

Shit. He totally forgot. This just made everything worse. Not to mention, she was dressed very inappropriately for a teacher, though a lot of men might not think so. He should think so. 

Letting out a long sigh, he nodded. "Great!" She told him. "Just give the rest of these kids a few more moments to get picked up and we'll get started." In the meantime, Em and Nate were showing him their desks and art projects that he wasn't supposed to see until tonight (though, he promised to keep it a secret), until the last kid finally walked out. 

"Alright, if we can all have a seat," she said. She sat behind her desk and folded her hands, while Emma and Nate sat beside Ben, who was struggling to get his long legs comfortable in the desk. "Mr. Cumberbatch," Mrs. Reed started, "as you know, you're children have started a bit late in the school year. I have rules in this class, very strict ones that all my students seem to follow...except these two." 

Ben gave her a double take. His kids? Not following the rules? That's damned near impossible! "Sorry," he said, "but...are you sure you're talking about my kids? Nate and Em are the most well-behaved as they come. They know how to follow rules, who's in charge of those rules, and knows to respect them." He's damn sure of it!

Mrs. Reed only cleared her throat. "Mr. Cumberbatch, I'm afraid that I am talking about your children. They talk during my lessons, they're constantly laughing with their little friends and, quite frankly, I've had enough. I've spoken to them about it, but they don't seem to understand."

Ben looked to his twins, who had their heads down in shame. He suddenly felt a rush of anger go through him. Whoever makes his kids look like that should be afraid...very afraid.

"Mrs. Reed," he said, "my kids are five years old. They are not your average five year olds, I can tell you that, but honestly...I'm glad to hear of this. These two have gone through so much the past few months and I couldn't protect them from any of it, especially Emma. I knew something was missing. Something small, but important. Laughter. I don't think I've heard that enough lately and I'm chuffed to hear they're doing it now. School is supposed to be fun, so let them have it. Come on, kids." 

He quickly got up, even though his legs were almost asleep from the chair, and the kids followed just as quickly. Mrs. Reed then stood up and angrily said, "Mr. Cumberbatch a word. Alone." Ben took a deep breath to calm himself down, then looked to the kids. 

"Wait in the hall for me," he told them. They nodded and Nate took Emma's hand, leading her outside. As soon as the door shut, Mrs. Reed came charging up to him. Before he could even react, she had him pinned against the wall, kissing him. 

Ben didn't even know what was happening. It took a few minutes to process that he was, indeed, kissing another woman. And before he could stop himself, he was kissing her back! He cupped her face in his hands and flipped them over to where he was now the one pinning her against the wall. 

She was clawing at his jacket and shirt as she grinned against him. He groaned in her mouth, then led her over to the desk. She gasped when he pushed her down on it and got on top of her, but then...something happened. An epiphany. This wasn't you. This wasn't his wife. This was some other woman. You were at work, oblivious to all of this happening while the kids stood just outside the door.

What the hell was he doing?

"Fuck," he breathed. Mrs. Reed took a hold of his shirt and said, "Yes, fuck. Me!" She started lifting up his shirt, but he backed away so quickly that he ran into the desks and stumbled over them. "Shit," he muttered. "Shit, shit shit!" 

He ran his fingers through his hair and started to panic. He was just making out with another woman and was about to make the biggest mistake of his life! "Come back here, Benny, and show me a close up of Big Ben," she purred. 

He shook her words out of his head and told her, "No. No, only my wife gets to call me...and it...that. No one else. Fuck, I can't believe I just did that!" Mrs. Reed got up and started sauntering towards him. He quickly backed up and said, "Don't! Don't come any closer!" She stopped, but looked stunned. 

"This has to stop!" He told her. "No more flirting, no more lip biting or arm touching or bloody kissing! This all ends right now!" She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Seriously?" She asked. "You're going to go back to your boring life with that cow of a wife? I promise you that I would be so worth your time. Unlike her."

Ben started panting with anger. Everything was coming on so fast, he couldn't help but get absolutely furious. "Don't you dare call her that again!" He shouted. "She is more woman than you will ever be! She loves kids, she's bared three for me already and is carrying a fourth! I have never known happiness until I was with her! It took me three years to build my life with her and I will be damned if it only takes a few seconds to bring it all down!"

Without letting her get a word in, he opened the door and slammed it shut. The kids jumped and looked up at their dad in fear. He looked pissed beyond all reason and it scared them. "Daddy?" Emma sweetly asked. "Are you okay, daddy?" 

Ben gave her a soft smile and it was like the entire world was lifted off his shoulders. Almost. He bent down and picked her up. "I'm alright, sweet pea," he said. "Let's just get out of here and get home in time for mummy, okay?"

He got the kids to the car and listened to them sing their songs on the ride back home. He was quiet, not his usual joking self. Thankfully, they were so engrossed in the music that they didn't notice him crying. 

This was going to take a lot of balls for him to admit to you, if he ever does! He's so built up with shame and anger, he isn't sure what the right call is. All he really knows is that none of you can go tonight. He'll make up any excuse to make back to school night not happen for you five. 

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