Chapter 50

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Tonight was back to school night. It was Ben's last night off before the pre-production of Hamlet started up. They weren't going into full rehearsals yet, but just simply going over lines to make sure everyone's got an idea of how they want to portray their character and what-not. 

If Ben was completely honest, he did not want to spend his last night of freedom in a room with Mrs. Reed. He had done a damn fine job of avoiding her when picking up the kids, just simply giving her a wave to let her know he was there to get them, then sped out like a race car once the kids took his hands. 

You and him have been doing a lot better since that night you talked. Ben hasn't even remotely thought about Mrs. Reed after spending half that night making love to you over and over and over again, until you were both spent from exhaustion. 

Every night since then, it's been the same thing. He realized that all he needed was a reminder of why didn't need any other woman. Even being pregnant didn't stop the skills you had with him in bed. It is unfortunate, however, that he can't watch you rub yourself as your giving him a blow job because your stomach gets in the way of his view.

Nevertheless, you always seem to surprise him with new tricks here and there and he suspects it's those Cosmo magazines you recently started reading. He wasn't complaining. 

"Ben," you called as you rushed around to get your stuff together. Ben came downstairs, yawning with his pajama bottoms hanging loosely off his hips, his hair shuffled, and no shirt. It was magnificent. "Yes, darling?" He tiredly asked. 

You quickly handed him a slip of paper, and then continued to pack your make-up bag. "What's this?" He asked as he tried to read the small print, but couldn't seem to focus. "Hang on, I need my glasses." He went back upstairs, then came down with them on. 

That just made him look even sexier. 

"A parent-teacher conference?" He asked. "About what?" You shrugged and told him, "No idea, but I can't make it." He looked confused. "But I thought we were going to take the kids to this thing, and then go out for a bite to eat?" He asked.

You sighed triumphantly when you successfully had your work things together, then turned to him and said, "We're taking them to back to school night, not this. This is before that. It starts right after school and back to school isn't until five. I don't get off until four, so you're going to have to do it." 

He gave you a double take. Oh, no, he thought. I can't be trapped in that classroom. Alone. With Mrs. Reed. It's not that I don't trust myself, I just don't trust her! Fucking hell. "Can't you just come home early?" He asked with hope in his voice. You shook your head. "Nope," you told him. "Today, you are going to have to be Superdad. Okay?"

With a loud sigh, he nodded. You smiled and said, "Great! Now, before I jump you because you're looking too sexy in this right now, I am going to go." You leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips. He hummed when you pulled away, then said, "You can be a little late can't you? I can practically smell you from here." 

You whacked his chest with a giggle, then started walking towards the door with your stuff. "I'll be back around four," you called as you walked out. "Love you!" He smiled and called back, "Love you more!" 

Once the door shut, he crumpled up the slip and tossed it in the trash. He wanted nothing to do with that teacher. Had he not come to his senses, he might have ruined your marriage! "Maybe I can ask mum or dad," he mumbled to himself. "Tom? Martin? No, [Y/N] will slap me into the next year if she finds out I didn't go." 

With a loud and exasperated sigh, he trudged himself upstairs, then got back into bed. He was trying to get himself rested up for tomorrow, which is why you didn't bother to wake him up when you took the kids to school this morning. 

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