Birthday gifts

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-Chapter 2-

-Throttle's Pov-

I came in from spending the day with Modo, Vinnie and Emily when suddenly, my little sister Lucy, came charging into the kitchen.

"Throttle! You're home, Mama made us some food she just had to go out to go shopping for us to eat" she said happily as I moved past her and went straight into the living room over to the sofa arm then...PLONK! I dropped into the soft seat, my feet over the edge of the arm and my arm on the floor. I never told you that Lucy was only 1 hour younger than me so that makes me the oldest! Duh...But people celebrate the youngest of the siblings birthday more than the oldest so I get cards and no presents apart from the ones my sister gives me and my mum oh and Vinne, Modo, Samantha, Daisy, Rimfire and Emily-girl. Carbine doesn't get me presents, she goes by the original way a card, normally in the card I get 'Commander, Happy Birthday, Carbine' that is it! Oh well that's Carbine for you...

"did you hear me?" she asked

"Yup but if I listened to you then you'll go on and on about one thing then switch to the next sentence" I commented

"Oh Daisy and Sam popped round earlier"


"Hey I was just letting you know that they popped round bukko" She growled

"Yeah okay" I said sleepily with my eyes drooping

"Hey are you-..."

I didn't hear the rest my eyes dropped and so did my mind. I was at last asleep.

----------------------The next day ----------------------

-Throttle's Pov (still)-

'Do my little ears detect an unfamiliar noise? I think they d-'


"What the?!" I high tailed it from the sofa and ran to the yard where I found Lucy with a bunch of people OOPS it's our birthday today, completely slipped my mind...

"Throttle, you're here at last" Modo laughed

"Yeah, I never got woken up till I heard a crash." I told him rubbing my eyes,

"Sorry pall, Vinnie is here bro" the giant said pointing towards a group of ladies with a White mouse in the middle,

"What can I say? I always know where he is" I laughed, walking over to the bench under the weeping willow tree at the end of the garden, I sat there, sighed then stared at the tree bark to see all of our old carvings engraved in the bark from when Vinnie, Modo, Emily and I where kids.

"I know that look" a familiar girls voice called from the tree branch above me,


"Haha, same old you, you know? Here come up here you can see better from up here" she said

"Fine, fine Emily-girl but if I break my neck it's you that will get the blame" I smiled my corner smile and climbed up the tree, she moved over so I could sit on the end.

"It's so pretty from up here" Emily said sighing

"Yeah" I agreed shuffling further onto the tree

"Hey, I got you a gift, well Vinnie helped me pick it out but still" she smiled and handed me a medium blue covered box with green ribbon. I accepted it then took off the ribbon carefully but the paper stood no chance, I tore it off to reveal a white box with 'Throttle' on the top, I opened the lid to find a brown space blaster gun holster for my thigh when I'm riding and a red biker mice belt, (that I needed) I took out the belt and slipped it on then took out the holdster and attached it to my left thigh, I laughed as it suited my full attire, she smiled and looked at the box, I followed her gaze towards the box and in the bottom was a blanket with loads of T's dotted around, why was that there?

"My mum said to me give it to him on his nineteenth birthday so he could use it when he's travelling" Emily said taking off her rucksack and unzipping it.

"I have one too" she added, taking out a pink blanket with lots of E's on it but in the bottom corner there was another set of letters, it has T&E, what did it mean?

"Emily-girl why does it have a T and E in the bottom corner?" I asked

"You don't wanna' know" she said, pushing it back into her rucksack and sliding it back onto her back, I was quick to answer.

"I do want to know, come on it's ma' birthday" I said with a smooth, calming voice.

"It's a long story" she said uncomfortably

"Okay tell me when your ready to" I said putting my left arm round her shoulders and bringing her closer to my shoulder so she didn't fall. I felt a slight pull on the tip of my tail,

"Ow!" I whimpered, turning my head in the opposite direction to the way me and Emily-girl were sat, I found Vinnie grinning at me.

"Hey birthday boy" he laughed, I growled at him making Emily-girl laugh, she must have felt the sound of my voice with her ear.

"What Vinnie?" I asked taking my arm from Emily-girl and putting it onto the tree bark behind her, she turned to Vinnie and smiled

"What are you two doing?" he asked

"Nothing" we chorused

"Yeah, yeah anyway, Carbine wants to see you" he said sternly

"Okay I'm coming" I said waiting till he'd gone, to turn back to Emily, I stared in shock at her as she curled her tail round the tree and summersaulted forward to hang upside down then drop to the floor an land on two feet!

"Come on Commender" she giggled holding her hand out, I jumped down and took the box with me, taking her hand, she stopped and looked at me,

"What?" I said taking my hand from hers

"Nothing you just made me jump by taking my hand" she replied,

"Oh I thought it was something else" I said sheepishly

"Come to think of it, it is something else, well another birthday gift that is" she said shyly


"Well shut up and close your eyes it's a secret" she smiled

"You know I hate those" I told her sternly

"Yeah, yeah I've kown you for 18 years don't you think I'll know by now?" she joked

"Eh my mistake" I laughed and covered my eyes with my hands, just then I felt a slight warmth near my fur, I wanted to open my eyes but I was told not to :/ so yeah now I have to wait till I can open my eyes and move my hands,

"You can move your hands but not open your eyes" I heard her say

I moved my hands out to find Emily holding my hands, 'strange! But nice...?! Did I just think that?! Stop thinking! You're a dead man!' my self concious scolded as I let go of her hands and pulled her forwards, I engulfed her in a hug so I could open my eyes, I did and found that she was smaller than me by about a foot so her head was resting on my, tan fur, chest and her arms were round there too, 'Dude you're toast! Vincent is gonna' kill you for getting closer to his sister!' I argued with myself mentally till I felt her pull back, I let go to see her smiling at me! Woah!

"How'd you know I wanted to hug you?" she asked

"I was going to fall asleep if I kept my eyes shut any longer" I confessed

"Okay" she said smiling

"Hey hang on was that your other gift?" I asked

"well kinda' but it can wait" she said

"No, no it's a gift, it must be given" I told her smirking playfully

"Okay whatever you say" she said yanking the collar of my leather jacket down so I was facing her, she lent in and kissed my cheek and whispered,

"Happy birthday Throttle"

(Sorry I couldn't really explain about the hug! It was like well what happens if this happened and stuff like that! I had major brain lockage! Sorry if this isn't as good as chapter 1 I'll try and make the next chapter better cos that's the part when they go to...Oops letting out a secret :o I'll let you know in the next chapter! ;) promice :D)

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