Dare 6 Part 2

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Okay people so here is the deal with this, I am skipping the big world wide wedding. I feel like it doesn't need to be showed because I don't think Cinder or Kai would care much about that one. I will have the small wedding though. The one that counts. If you want me to do a chapter thing on the big wedding I will but I don't think it's important.

Me: *runs into Cinder' s room*


Scarlet: I think Maddie is freaking out more than you Cinder!

Cress: *Giggles*

Me: Ohhhhh come on I was like this for your wedding. Even though you didn't know me

Iko: Shhhhhh! I am trying to focus!

Me: Iko you could braid Cinder's hair with your eyes closed!

Cinder: Wow, I am going to be someone's Wife soon. OMS I am so screwed!

Me: Why? All you have to worry about is not tripping. I have the after party planned, Scarlet has food, Iko has your dress stuff, Cress has all the electronics,  and Winter is the freaking priest! I mean seriously chill! It's just your friends!

Scarlet: She has a point.

Cress: Are you doing the tradition Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, and Something Blue?

Cinder: Yes I am. My hair piece is Kai's mothers, so that is Something Borrowed. My dress is Something New. I have my mothers shoes so that's Something Old. I don't have Something Blue though!

Me: Here * takes necklace off* I was going to give it to you later but I guess now is good.

Cinder: It's beautiful!

It's a locket that opens up and shows 9 people on one side and 2 on the other side. On the 9 side everyone is in order. Cinder, Kai, Iko, Scarlet, Wolf, Thorne, Cress, Jacin, and Winter. On the side with 2 people is Me and Cassie. The front of the locker has the words "Our Crew" engraved in it. It has Blue Stones on the outside border.

Scarlet: OMS That's SOO sweet!!!

Cinder: MADDIE this is the best gift ever!!!!

Me: Thanks I had it done last week. I hope you don't mind Cassie and my picture on it?

Cinder: It wouldn't be "Our Crew" without you guys!

Me: Awwww thanks so much!!!

Iko: Okay Cinder you are almost ready! How do you feel?

Cinder: Like I am unbreakable
( that's like in Winter when she said "I am broken" and Iko goes " Broken isn't the same as unfixable")
(Mean while)

Cassie: *knocks on Kai's door*

Wolf: Okay, good your here! *whispers* Kai is a mess.

Kai: AM NOT!

Thorne: Bro, it's okay let it out. It's okay.

Kai: I AM FINE!!

Cassie: No Kai, Sweet Heart, your a mess.

Kai: Haha very funny!

Jacin: So what does it feel like? Almost a married man and all.

Kai: I feels like a punch to the gut and a dream.

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