Harry and Luke were still there when the nurse came by a while later. She took Aunt Peg's blood pressure and temperature and marked a bunch of things down on her chart. We still had to wait for a while, for observation the nurse said.

"You guys don't have to stay," I said into the third hour. Harry had just got back with a coffee for Luke and I, and herbal tea for him and Aunt Peg. "We're probably going to be here for a while."

"I don't mind," Luke said. Harry ignored it entirely, taking something out of the back pocket of his jeans. "I picked these up at the gift shop," he said. "Something to pass the time."

Aunty Peg looked delighted. "Do you know how to play Rummy?"

Harry nodded. "Luke?"

From his seat, Luke looked up uncomfortably. "I know how to play Go Fish?"

"We can teach you Rummy," Aunty Peg said.

"No, it's okay," Harry smiled. "I don't mind a bit of Go Fish myself." I wondered if either boy remembered they'd been about to tear each others heads off earlier.

I stared around the room for a long time while they played cards that I began to feel a bit like a fish myself; trapped inside a blue curtained fish bowl. That reminded me: had I fed Ringo and Penny Lane today?

It still seemed so surreal that this was happening. Should I call my parents?  It seemed like I should, even though I knew Aunty Peg wouldn't want me too.  The drip was still in her arm - a nurse had come by earlier and changed it to a fresh bag of fluid - but she did seem a lot brighter than when I'd walked in.

The plastic chair had really dug it's way into my back when another doctor came around a few hours later. He double checked Aunty Peg's chart and gave her the all-clear, discharging her with a stern warning to lay off alcohol and get some rest.

Harry and Luke waited outside while I helped her change back into her regular clothes. I half expected them to have left when we walked out of the room but of course, they hadn't.

"You sure you're feeling okay?" Harry asked, his voice all low and concerned. He gently touched her shoulder, as if anything more might snap her in half.

"I'm fine," she said. "Just a little tired from the company of you two handsome boys today. Nothing a good sleep won't fix," she winked. I groaned, and imagined myself evaporating into the floor.

"You're staying with me tonight," I told her firmly as the four of us walked out to the car park.

"We can stay with you too," Luke said suddenly. He'd been rather quiet this afternoon.

"No, it's okay. I can take care of her."

Harry opened my car door for Aunty Peg, helping her in. Luke touched my hand, "But who's going to take care of you?" he asked.

"I'm a big girl," I reminded him. "But thank you. And thanks for sticking around today." And then, because I knew we needed to talk and I could tell by the look in his blue eyes how weary he was getting, I added, "Let's have lunch tomorrow. I want to hear all about the tour."

He chewed on his lip ring. "I'd like that. You did kind of bail on our plans this afternoon."

"Hey!" I said, a little too loudly. Harry looked over at us momentarily. I lowered my voice. "It was out of my control."

"I was kidding," Luke laughed. "I still had a good afternoon, believe it or not." Throwing his head towards Harry, he added, "You know, he is kind of cool. I can see why you like him."

My first instinct was to defend myself. "I don't like him."

Luke just gave me a small smile. "See you tomorrow. I'll pick you up, okay?"

He went off to his car and I climbed into mine. When I checked the rear-view mirror, I could see Harry's tall stature was squashed into the backseat already. It was quite a funny sight, and I had to swallow down a laugh. "I'm not staying," he promised, our eyes locking in the mirror. "Just need a lift back to yours to pick up my car."

I just nodded, pulling out of the hospital carpark and letting out a deep sigh. I was thankful we were driving out of here with Aunty Peg in one piece.

Back at home, Harry hung about while I put my aunt to bed in my parents untouched room. "I'll set Netflix up on this tv in a second, okay? We can watch Vampire Diaries or something."

"Make it the Originals," she smiled sweetly. "I'm quite fond of that Klaus."

Harry kissed her cheek goodbye and I walked him out. I think I thanked him a thousand times for today. He looked at me one last time before he climbed in his car, with something I didn't think I'd ever seen from Harry before; uncertainty. "You'll call me if you need anything?" He asked.

"I will."

He nodded, and then opened his mouth like he was going to say something else. Then he nodded again. "Goodbye Stella."

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