Rains will pour down, waves will crash around, but you will be safe in my arms.

Swimming was one of Louis' favorite things to do. Being six, he believed he was invincible. So, while on vacation in Mexico, Louis swam far away from the beach and far out into the ocean to show his parents he was a big boy.

When he turned to look back, his parents were screaming and the people on the beach looked sick. Louis was confused. But he turned back around, he realized why.

Large tidal waves were heading his way, and Louis' legs were cramping up. He cried out and screamed for help but it was no use.

The waves crashed into Louis like a train. He was sinking, he couldn't breathe, it was black. He started to panic, desperate to get to the surface. He could feel the cold water in his lungs, it burned. He gave up.

And suddenly, strong arms were pulling Louis from the dark waters, bringing him to the surface. He felt large hands pushing on his chest, water leaving his lungs.

He sat up and gasped staring at his savior. Dark brown curls, hypnotizing green eyes, and the palest skin. Which seemed to be burning off at a rapid pace.

The man hissed in pain and ran away, leaving Louis confused and slightly horrified. He remembered that face.

Story books, full of fairytales of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.

Harry stared from his little hiding spot, watching Louis read his fairytales. He was surprisingly into princesses and girly fairytales, with made Harry coo at how adorable the eight year old was.

He watched the way his face would light up or pout cutely depending on what was happening in the story.

Harry loved him so much.

My heart is torn, just in knowing, you'll someday see the truth from lies.

Louis was 14 when his parents died. They were hit by a drunk driver and the car flipped. They didn't survive.

Louis had a panic attack when the hospital called and told him the news. Screaming and crying could be heard down the street. Harry's heart broke with each pained sound Louis made.

So Harry kneeled in front of the sobbing boy, running his hands through Louis fluffy hair which was everywhere because Louis was pulling at it.

Lou immediately stopped crying and jumped at the sudden touch. He looked up and recognized the face, feeling calmer by the second. Soon, just small hiccups were heard and Harry was cuddling Louis.

"Who are you?" Louis spoke up after awhile. He turned in Harry's arms and studied his face.

"'M Harry. Sorry for scaring you earlier, I just wanted to help you."

"Thank you."

"It's no problem Lou."

Rains will pour down, waves will crash around. But you will be safe in my arms.

"You can do this babe." Harry whispered in his lovers ear. The past three years had been amazing ones, Harry explained himself to Louis and Louis accepted him. One year ago, they started dating.

Now, they were at a beach staring out at the vast ocean. Ever since the incident when he was six, Louis had been deathly afraid of the ocean and swimming. Harry coaxed him into trying to get over his fear.

And now they were at the beach, it was around 9 PM and stars above twinkled brightly. Louis loved stars.

So he stared up at the sky and took a deep breath. "Okay." He whispered.

Harry and Louis made their way toward the water, Harry holding Louis' hand the whole way there.

When the cold water came in contact with Louis' feet, he screamed and jumped into Harry's arms.

"I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. Take me home please, let's go home."

"Alright love, we'll try again some other time. Let's go home."

Castles they might crumble. Dreams may not come true. But you are never all alone. Cos I will always, always love you.

Louis didn't get to go to college like he wanted. He had no scholarships and no money. Every college he applied to rejected him.

He was crushed. He wanted to study astronomy, he wanted to work at NASA. But, well, that requires a degree, and you have to go to college to earn a degree.

Harry held him while he cried. Harry always holds him when he cries. He loves Harry. Harry means the world to him and couldn't be more thankful for having him around all 19 years of his life.

Clouds will rage and storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms. Rains will pour down, waves will crash around, but you will be safe in my arms.

When Louis was 24, Harry proposed. He obviously said yes. A million times.

When he was 25, he became a vampire. He had begged maybe a thousand times because all he wanted was to be with Harry forever.

When he was supposed to be 32, he got pregnant. Four kids. Darcy, Thomas (Tommy), Ashton, and Isabella. (Chonchobar)

And Louis was forever happy in Harry's arms.


Oh my goodness this took foreverrr.
This is unedited so there's probably tons of mistakes to please notify me of them ASAP.
Hope you enjoyed this,
Byee ♥♥

in my arms - l.tomlinson + h.stylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon